《校長報告書》 1982–85

電 算機服務中心 Computer Services Centre Hu, Stanislaus 胡運驥 —: → 353. Lee, Wai-sun 李維新 —: → 349, 350, 351. Leung,Philip K. H. 梁光漢 —: → 352. 其他合著 Other Co-authored Publications 338 畢培曦、江潤祥、(吳德邻):《薑料藥用植物的化學、藥理和經濟用途: I •閉鞘薑 》 ,《中藥材科技》(廣州), 4 ( 1984 ) ,頁 3 7 - 4 2 。 339 饒宗頤 、曾憲通:《雲夢秦簡日書硏究》(香港中文大學中國文化研究所中國考古藝術中心專刊), 1983。 340 But, Paul Pui-hay; (Cambie, R.C.; Cheng, K.F) Kong Yun-cheung: and (Lau, C.) "Quinoline alkaloids from Ruta graveolens L." Fitoterapia, 55:2 (1984), pp. 67-71. 341 But, Paul Pui-hay and Kong, Yun-cheung. "Chinese medicinal plants and their uses." Hamdard (Karachi), 37:4 (1984 ), pp. 47-52. 342 But, Paul Pui-hay and Kong, Yun-cheung; Lau, C.N.B.; and Yip T.T.. "Quantitative analysis of ginsenosides in fresh panax ginseng." American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 13 (1985.5), pp. 77-88. 343 But, Paul Pui-hay; Kong, Yun-cheung; and (Ng, K.H.) "Pharmacognostic studies o n the related articles of kudingcha (苦丁茶 ) in Hong Kong market." Japanese Journal ofPharmacognosy, 39 (1985), pp. 46-51. 344 But, Paul Pui-hay; Kong, Yun-cheung; (Ng, K.H .); and (Wat, K.H.) "Pharmacognostic differentiation between murraya panicultat (L.) Jack and Murrage koenigü (L.) Spreng." International Journal of Crude Drug Research, 1985. 345 But, Paul Pui-hay; Kong, Yun-cheung; and (Wu, T.L.) "Zingiberaceae and costaceae used i n Chinese medicine." In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, pp. 17-18. India, 1983.12. 346 Chan, Kai-ming; Fu, Frank H.; and Leung, Louisa. "Sports injuries survey on 1714 university students in Hong Kong." British Journal of Sports Medicine, 18 (1984), p. 195. 347 Chan, Sin-wai and Ng, Mau-sang, tr. Palaces of the Forbidden City by Yu Zhuoyun. London/New York: Allan Lane/The Viking Press (Penguin Books Ltd.), 1984. 348 (Chan, T.F.); Chow, Nelson W.S.; and Tang, Alex Y.M. A Study of the Values, Leisure, Behaviour and Misbehaviour of the Youth in Tsuen Wan and Kwai Chung. Hong Kong: Tsuen Wan District Board, 1985. 349 Chang, Hson-mou; Day, Jerome J., Jr.; and Lee, Wai-sun. "Chinese information o n medicinal materials computerization project." In Proceedings of the Hong Kong Computer Conference, pp. 132-142. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Computer Conference, 1983. 350 Chang, Hson-mou and Lee, Wai-sun. "Computerization of Chinese medicinal information." In Abstracts of the International Symposium on Chinese Medicinal Material Research. Hong Kong, 1984.6. 351 Chang, Hson-mou and Lee, Wai-sun. "Computerized information of Chinese medicinal material." In Proceedings of the Fifth Asian Symposium on Medical Plants and Spices, pp. 291-301. Korea: UNESCO, 1984.8. 352 Chung, Choi-man and Leung, Philip K.H. "Micro-mainframe communication." Network Computing (Hong Kong), 8:3 (1985.1/2 ), pp. 5-6. 353 Hu, Stanislaus and Pierson, Herbert D. "Toward a theory of cultural conflict in Hong Kong." New Horizons, 23 (1982.11 ), pp. 75-81. 354 Kong, Yun-cheung; Lau, C.N.B.; (Woo, W.S .); Yip, T.T.; and Yung, Kung-hing. "Ginsenosid e compositions of panax ginseng C.A. Meyer tissue culture and juice." American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 13 (1985 ), pp. 89-92. 355 Minford, John M. and Soong, StephenC ., ed. Trees on the Mountain: An Anthology of New Chinese Writing. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1984. 153