Vice-Chancellor's Report 1982-85

院内同寅合著 Co-authored Publications (Infra-faculty) 045 鄭偉楠、冼日明:《小型企業面對的危機》,《經濟一週》,2 :44〈 1982.11 ),頁24 — 25。 046 鄭偉楠、冼日明:《服務行業——八十年代香港經濟的主要支柱?》,《信報財經月刊》,6 :10 ( 1983.1 ),頁41 一 44。 047 鄭偉楠、冼日明、岑偉昌:《策略規劃的程序》,《經濟ー週》,2 :46〈 1982.11〉,頁42ー43及46。 048 周巧笑、 Cragin , John P.: 《以中國爲例說明激勵方式如何影響生產力》,《中國式企業管理研討會會議紀錄》,香港中文大學, 1984.6 。 049 劉可復、饒美蛟:《東南亞華人企業的經營與管理》,《中國式企業管理研討會會議紀錄》,香港中文大學,1984.6。 050 段樵、黃錫楠:《香港小型廠商的創業及其管理觀》,《中國式企業管理研討會會議紀錄》,香港中文大學,1984.6。 051 (Basuray , Tom ; Bruce , J. ; Chen , Chia-shen) ; Cragin , Joh n P. ; Scherling , S.A . an d Tung , H o Suk-ching . “Easter n an d western cognitiv e an d motivational preferences. " I n Proceedings of the Inaugural Meeting of the Southeast Asia Region of the Academy of International Business, pp. 119-128 . Hon g Kong : Academ y o f Internationa l Busines s and Department o f Marketing and International Business of The Chinese University o f Hong Kong, 1985 . 052 Cheng , Dann y W.L . an d Sin , Le o Y.M . “Advertising : Threa t o f tighte r controls? ” Hong Kong Business Today, 4:3 4 (1985.4 ), pp. 48-49 . 053 Chong , Lim-eng ; Cragin , Joh n P. ; an d Scherling , S.A . “Manage r wor k relate d value s i n a Chines e corporation. " I n Proceedings of the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 1983 {San Francisco). 054 Lau , Ho-fu k an d Nyaw , Mee-kau . “Managemen t practice s of Hong Kong Chinese transnational companies: An explorator y study .” In Proceedings of the Inaugural Meeting of the Southeast Asia Region of the Academy of International Business, pp. 441-450 . Hon g Kong : Academ y o f Internationa l Busines s an d Departmen t o f Marketin g an d Internationa l Busines s of The Chinese University o f Hong Kong, 1985 . 醫學院 Faculty of Medicine 臨牀前期 Pre-clinical 解剖學系 Department of Anatomy Chew, Eng-ching 邱殷慶 — ; Chan, H.J. Hou ; an d Lam , T.K . “Inductio n o f adhesio n an d spreadin g o f Ehrlic h asciti c tumou r cell s i n culture .” In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of Electron Microscopy Society of America, pp . 512-513 , 1983. — ; (Chow, C.H. ; Ho , J.H.C.; Huang, D.P.; Lee, K.W.; Li , C.L. ; an d Saw , D.) “An ultrastructura l study o f hairy-cell leukemia : Report o f on e cas e in a Chinese .” In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of Electron Microscopy Soceity ofAmerica, pp. 686-687 , 1983. — ; (Hsu, L.); Kung , L.S. ; an d (Low , W.D. ) "Ultrastructura l change s i n nerv e fibre s an d muscl e spindl e i n patient s wit h adolescent idiopathi c scolinosis. " Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (U.S.A.). 174 (1983), pp. 217-221 . — ; Chan, H.J . Hou ; and Lam , T.K. " A scannin g electron microscopi c stud y o n th e initia l invasio n o f neuroblastom a cell s in the chorioallantoic membran e of the chick .” In Proceedings of the Third Asian-Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy, edited by M.F . Chung, pp. 314-315. Singapore: Applied Researc h Corporation, 1984.8 . — ; Chan, H.J. Hou ; an d Lam , T.K . "Interaction s betwee n norma l huma n fibroblast s an d carcinom a cell s i n monolaye r culture .” In Treatment of Metastases: Problems and Prospects, edite d b y K . Hellman n an d S.A . Eccles , pp . 235-238 . London: Taylo r an d Francis, 1985 . — : → 055 , 056, 057 , 058 , 059 , 060, 120 , 126 . Chuah, Meng-inn 蔡孟茵 — an d (Farbman , A.I. ) "Olfactor y bul b increase s marke r protei n i n olfactor y recepto r cells. ” The Journal of Neuroscience (U.S.A .), 3:11 (1983 ), pp. 2197-2205 . — an d (Farbman , A.I. ) "Specifi c influenc e o f olfactor y bul b o n olfactor y marke r protei n synthesi s i n olfactor y recepto r cells." Association for Chemoreception Sciences, 5 (1983), p. 21. — ; (Farbman, A.I. ; an d Tong , M.C.F. ) "Synaps e formatio n an d morphologica l differentiatio n o f ra t presumptiv e olfactor y bulb in organ culture .” Neuroscience Letters, 20-Supplement (1985.4 ), p. S8. — ; (Farbman, A.I. ; an d Menco , B.Ph.M. ) "Influenc e o f olfactor y bul b o n dendriti c kno b densit y o f ra t olfactor y recepto r neurons in vitro." Brain Research (The Netherlands), 33 8 (1985.7 ), pp. 259-266 . 83