《校長報告書》 1985–87

318 陸鴻基、游黎麗玲:《香港中學班主任的功能與職責》,《香港中文大學敎育學報》,14 : 1(1986. 6),頁17-22。 319 麥思源、杜秉祺:《怎樣使用打點計時器》,《學校科學通訊》,23(1986. 5),頁2 - 19。 320 Chung, Choi-man; (Edington, Dee W .); Lau, Sing; Lo, Lam Fat; Siu, Ping-kee; and Yau, Betty Lai-ling Lai. Physical Fitness of Children in Hong Kong. School of Education of The Chinese University o f Hong Kong, 1985. 321 Mak, Se Yuen and Tao, Louis P.K. "An inexpensive 'mini' demonstration meter ." Hong Kong Science Teachers' Journal, 13:1(1985), p. 135. 院際合著 Co-authored Publications (Inter-faculty) 322 科大衞、陸鴻基、吳倫霓霞合編:《香港碑銘彙編》(第一册),香港市政局,1986。 323 Au, Chak-leung; Leung, Albert W.N.; and Tso, Wung-wai . "Kinetics of gossypol transformation at different pH." Advances in Contraceptive Delivery Systems, 1(1985), pp. 47-52. 324 Baumann, Klaus; Hamann, W.C.; Lee, James G.N.; and Leung, Man-sing. "Responsiveness of SAI cutaneous mechano- receptors in the rat to repetitive stimuli with maintained force or maintained displacement." Neuroscience Letters, 22- Supplement(1985), p. S453. 325 (Belew, M.C.); [Ko, K.M.] ; Kong, Yun-cheung; (Pennessy, P.; Porath, J .); Tsao, Sai-wah ; and [Yip, T.T.]. "Epidermal growth factor for deer (Cervus elaphus) submaxillary gland and velvet antler." General and Comparative Endocrinology, 63(1986), pp. 431-440. 326 Chan, Kwong-yu; French, Gary L.; and Woo, Man-luen. "Occurrence and distribution of halophilic vibrios in subtropical coastal waters of Hong Kong." Applied and Environmental Microbiology (U.S.A.), 52(1986.12), pp. 1407-1411. 327 [Chan, W.Y.]; Choi, H.L.; Ng, Tzi-bun; Tam, Patrick P.L.; and Yeung, Hin-wing. "Effects of momorcharins on the mouse embryo at the early organogenesis stage ." Contraception (U.S.A.), 34:5(1986.11), pp. 537-544. 328 Chang, Allan Ming Zing; Lee, Kin-hong; and Wong, Felix W.S. "A microcomputer based interview system for antenatal clinic." Computers in Biology and Medicine (U.K.), 16:6(1986), pp. 453-463 . 329 Chang, S.T.: Fung. Kwok-pui; Tam, Michael S.C.; and [Yip, K.P.] "Hypotensive and renal effects of an extract of the edible mushroom, Pleurotus Sajor-caju." Life Sciences, 38(1986 ), pp. 1155-1161. 330 Chang, S.T.; Fung, Kwok-pui; Tam, Michael S.C.; and [Yip, K.P.] "Purification and mechanism of the hypotenisve-action of an extract from the edible mushroom, Pleurotus Sajor-caju." Neuroscience Letters, 28-Supplement(1987), p. S59. 331 Chen, Char-nie; Lee, Chi-ming; (Sung, S.K .); and Young, James D. "High level s of tyramine in some Chinese foodstuffs." Human Psychopharmacology Clinical and Experimental (U.K.), 1:2(1986.12), pp. 103-107. 332 Cheng, Jack C.Y.; Choy, Thomas T.C.; Chu, S.M.; Kwong, Chung-ping; Leung, Kwok-sui; Leung, Ping-chung; and (Sher, H.L.) "Transfer function modelling of TcPo 2 transient response in hypertrophic scar study." In Proceedings of the Third Symposium in Biomedical Engineering. Singapore, 1986. 333 Chew, Siew-boon Cheng; Hamann, W.C.; Leung, Man-sing; and Tsang, David Sau-cheuk. "The effects of neomycin on the ultrastructure of touch corpuscles in rats and on cellular respiration." Journal of Physiology, 369(1985 ), p. 619. 334 Chiu, Kam-wai; [Chu, J.Y.]; and Wong, Chun-cheung. "In vitro uterine contractivity in ovariectomize d rats treated neona- tally with mono-sodium glutamate (MSG )." In Abstracts of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for the Study of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Reproduction, p. 4, 1986. 335 Chiu, Kam-wai; Leung, Man-sing; Ooi, Vincen t E.G.; and Shea, H. "Effects of thiourea on the ultrastructure of thyroid tissue in the sea snake, Hydrophis cyanocinctus." In Current Trends in Comparative Endocrinology, edited by B. Lofts and W.N. Holmes, pp. 507-508. Hong Kong University Press, 1985. 336 Chiu, Kam-wai; Leung , Man-sing; Ooi, Vincent E.C.; and Tam, V. "Radioiodine metabolism in the sea snake, Hydrophis cyanocinctus. " In Current Trends in Comparative Endocrinology, edited by B. Lofts and W.N. Holmes, pp. 509-511. Hong Kong University Press, 1985. 337 Chiu, Kam-wai; [Ng, S.L.]; Ng, Tzi-bun; and Wong , Chun-cheung. "Corticotropin-like and opiate-lik e substances from the brain of the snake, Ptyas mucosa." In Abstracts of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for the Study of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Reproduction, p. 13, 1986. 338 Chiu, Kam-wai and Wong, Chun-cheung. "Putative thyroid hormone receptors in red blood cells of some reptiles." General and Comparative Endocrinology, 66(1987 ), pp. 434-440. 339 (Choy, A.C.K .); Liu, Wing-keung; (Tam, N.F.Y .); and Wong, Ming-hung. "Properties and toxicity of airborne wood dus t in wood-working establishments." Toxicology Letters (U.S.A.), 26(1985), pp. 43-52. 340 Chuah, Meng-inn; Hui, S.W.; and Leung, Albert W.N. "RNA content of developing rat olfactory bulb: A histological and quantitative study." In Abstracts of the 12th International Anatomical Congress, p. A118, 1985. 341 Chuah, Meng-inn; Hui , S.W.; and Leung, Albert W.N. "Histological stud y of RNA distribution i n the developing rat olfactory bulb." Neuoscience Letters, 25-Supplement(1986), p. S38. 342 Chung, Choi-man; Moon, Yiu-sang; and Tung, Douglas S.L. A Survey on the Responses of Principals, Teachers, and Clerical Staff to the Implementation of Microcomputers in Hong Kong Secondary Schools. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1985.11. 156