Vice-Chancellor's Report 1985-87

ing group s t o asses s the feasibilit y o f launchin g ne w academi c initiative s in lega l an d architectura l studie s i n th e ensuin g triennium . A t th e sam e time, plan s ar e unde r wa y t o introduc e undergraduat e degre e course s in Physical Educatio n an d Primar y Education . Researc h Activitie s Since it s foundation , th e Universit y ha s attache d grea t importanc e to promotin g scholarshi p an d research . Th e University' s stron g commitment to researc h continue s t o b e reflecte d i n th e lis t o f it s staf f publications and th e considerabl e sum s i n researc h grant s i t has obtaine d fro m both Governmen t an d privat e sources , whic h ar e reported i n th e appendices to thi s Report . A recen t surve y o f researc h activitie s show s tha t the teacher s o f th e Universit y ar e conductin g mor e tha n 1,20 0 researc h projects i n 1986/87 . In orde r t o strengthen it s researc h infrastructure , th e Universit y has mad e continuin g effort s t o consolidat e it s thre e researc h institutes , namely, th e Institut e o f Chines e Studies , th e Institut e o f Scienc e an d Technology an d th e Institut e o f Social Studies , an d thei r associate d research centres . Strategi c researc h programme s ar e identifie d an d actively promoted . I wi l l onl y attemp t t o mention som e o f the lates t developments. The Yeun g Shu i San g Laborator y fo r Thermoluminescenc e o f Anc i ent Ceramic s wa s establishe d i n 198 6 a s a joint projec t o f th e A r t Gallery an d th e Departmen t o f Physic s t o conduc t pioneerin g wor k in Hong Kong . Thi s wi l l als o for m a basi s fo r researc h collaboratio n w i t h other museum s an d archaeologica l institute s i n Ch i na an d oversea s countries. Th e Laborator y als o provides a dating and authentication service to th e public . W e ar e indebte d t o the Yeun g brother s fo r thei r generous donation s toward s bot h th e recurren t cost s fo r th e initia l yea r of th e projec t an d th e buildin g o f th e premise s fo r th e Laboratory . The Researc h Centr e fo r Translation unde r th e Institute o f Chinese Studie s ha s starte d a collaborative researc h projec t w i t h th e Research Centr e fo r Translatio n a t Na n Ka i Universit y i n T i an j i n an d Hamburg Universit y i n Germany , t o compil e a computer-based Index of Translation, whic h cover s translation s i n th e humanitie s an d socia l sciences between th e Chines e an d Englis h languages . Largely buil t w i t h privat e donations , th e Chines e Medicina l Material Research Centr e continue s t o pursue interdisciplinar y researc h o n Chinese medicina l herb s w i t h a view t o assessin g thei r therapeuti c valu e on a scientifi c basis . Th e Centr e ha s thre e majo r foc i o f strategic research, namely , reproductiv e control , therapeutic s i n cardiovascular and neurologica l diseases . T o consolidate it s work sinc e 1979 , the Centre bega n th e publicatio n o f a n internationa l quarterl y journa l in English entitle d Abstracts of Chinese Medicines (ACME) i n October 1986. Th e Roya l Hon g Kon g Jocke y Clu b mad e a six-million-dolla r grant i n 1985 t o support th e Centre' s cardiovascula r an d tranquillize r research projec t fo r thre e years , whic h i s both a recognition o f the Centre's researc h capabilit y an d a majo r enhancemen t t o it s work . 6