Vice-Chancellor's Report 1985-87

343 Cockram , Cliv e Stuart ; [Kum , W.] ; Teoh , Robert ; Vallance-Owen , John ; Young , Jame s D. ; an d (Zhu , S.Q. ) "Insuli n binding an d effect s o n purin e mucleosid e uptak e an d incorporatio n i n culture d mouse astrocytes." Journal of Endocrinology, 108(1985), p . 295 . 344 Graham , Rober t G . and Leung, Kwok. "Managemen t motivatio n i n Hong Kong ." The Hongkong Manager, 23:2(1987.2/3) , pp. 17-24 . 345 Ho , Patric k Chi-ping ; Hsu , W.C.W.; Lai , J.S.M. ; an d Leung , Jin-pang . "Generalizatio n o f th e effect s of behaviora l trainin g for myopia. " Behaviour Research and Therapy, 25:2(1987) , pp . 159-163 . 346 Hui , S.W. ; Tsang, Davi d Sa u Cheuk ; an d Yew , Davi d T.W . "Furthe r studie s o n th e effec t o f low-dos e lase r irradiation o n cultured retina l pigment cell s of th e chick. " Acta Anatomica (Switzerland) , 125(1986) , pp. 10-13 . 347 Jen , Ling-sun ; Tsang , Davi d Sa u Cheuk ; an d Yew , Davi d T.W . "An autoradiographi c stud y o f th e retinotecta l pathwa y in the fish , Periophthalamas chrysospilos." Neuroscience Letters, 25-Supplement(1986) , p . S40 . 348 [Ko , K.M.] ; Kong , Yun-cheung ; Tsao , Sai-wah ; (Xin , J.X .); an d [Yip , T.T.] "Shre w submaxillar y glan d epidermal growt h factor: Homologou s radiorecepto r assa y an d mitogeni c activity. " Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 47(1986 ), pp . 131-135. 349 Lam , S.T.L. ; Tsang , Davi d Sa u Cheuk; an d Yew , Davi d T.W . "Acut e response s o f ra t retina afte r opti c nerv e ligation — A biochemical an d histochemical study. " Brain Research, 336(1985) , pp . 289-295 . 350 Lam , S.T.L. ; Tsang , Davi d Sa u Cheuk ; an d Yew , Davi d T.W . "Studie s o f th e maturation o f th e visual system o f th e albin o mouse." Archives d'Anatomie d'Histologie et d'Embryologie, 67(1985) , pp . 89-99 . 351 Lee , Kin-hong ; [Ngan , S.H. ] ; an d Wong, Feli x W.S . "The us e of amicrocomputer i n th e antenata l interview — A feasibilit y study." The Hong Kong Practitioner, 8:2(1986.2) , pp . 1650 , 1652-165 4 an d 1656 . 352 Leung , Kwok-nam ; [Leung , S.O.] ; Tsao , Sai-wah ; [Yang , K . T . ] ; an d Yeung , Hin-wing . "Effect s o f trichosanthi n an d momorcharin o n culture d tumou r cells. " I n Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Organic Chemisstry of Med. Nat. Products, p . D-19, 1985 . 353 (Li , W.W.Y.) ; Tsang , Davi d Sa u Cheuk; and Yew, David T.W. "Ipsilatera l an d contralateral retinal responses after unilatera l injection o f hypertonic salin e into on e eye of mice. " Archives of Biology (Louvain-en-Woluwe) , 9(1986 ), p. 137 . 354 Lin , Tzong-bia u an d Tuan , Chyau . "Trade , protectionism an d industrial adjustment: Th e case of the Hong Kong consume r electronics industry. " I n Proceedings of Trade, Protectionism and Adjustment: Research and Policy Workshop. Ottawa : North-South Institute , 1986.10 . 355 Liu , Wing-keun g an d Ng , Tzi-bun . "Effec t o f toxi c metal s o n steroidogenesi s i n isolate d ra t adrena l cell s an d interstitia l leydig cells. " I n Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Toxicology, 1986 . 356 Mak , S e Yue n an d Young , Kenneth . "Determinatio n o f th e self-inductanc e o f a metal ring. " Physics Education (U.K. ) 21(1986.3), pp . 111-115 . 357 Mak , S e Yue n an d Young , Kenneth . "Misconception s i n th e teachin g o f heat " Hong Kong Science Teachers' Journal, 14:1(1986.6), pp . 78-87 . 358 Ng , Tzi-bu n an d Tam , Patric k P.L . "Change s o f aci d an d alkalin e phosphatas e activitie s i n th e developin g mous e brain. " Biology of the Neonate (Switzerland) , 50:2(1986.8) , pp . 107-113 . 359 Ng , Tzi-bu n an d Tam , Patric k P.L . "Relationshi p betwee n activit y o f aci d an d alkalin e phosphatase s an d myelinatio n i n the brains of prepuberta l mice." Neuroscience Letters, 25-Supplement ( 1986), p. S44 . 360 Ng , Tzi-bun ; Tam , Patric k P.L. ; an d Woo, Norma n Y.S . "Sexua l maturatio n i n th e blac k seabream , Mylio macrocephalus Teleostei, Sparidae : Change s i n pituitar y gonadotropes , hepatocyte s an d relate d biochemica l constituent s i n live r an d serum." Cell and Tissue Research, 245(1986.7 ), pp . 207-213 . 361 Teoh , Robert ; Vallance-Owen , John ; [Wu , J.S.R. ] ; an d Young , Jame s D . "Nucleosid e transpor t i n primar y culture s o f differentiated mous e astrocytes." Neuroscience Letters, 25-Supplement ( 1986), p. S49 . 362 Tsang , Davi d Sa u Cheu k an d Yew , Davi d T.W . "Effec t o f kaini c aci d lesion on the neurotransmitter uptak e in rat retina. " In Proceedings of the Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences, 8(1986) , p . 37 . 363 Tsao , Sai-wah ; Yan , K.T. ; an d Yeung , Hin-wing . "Selectiv e killin g o f choriocarcinom a cell s i n vitr o b y trichosanthin , a plant protei n purifie d fro m roo t tuber s o f th e Chines e medicina l herb , Trichosanthes k i r i l o w i i . " Toxicon, 24(1986) , pp. 831-840 . 364 Tsao , Sai-wa h an d Yeung , Hin-wing . "Anti-tumou r propertie s of tricosanthin. " I n Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Taiwan , 1986 . 研究所及研究中心 Research Institutes and Centres But, Paul Pui-hay 畢培曦 —︰《配合政局發展中醫中藥法例急待修訂》,《信報財經月刊》,9: 6(1985. 9),頁24-25。 —︰《審訂中醫專業資格的可行性和困難》,《信報財經月刊》,10:11 ( 1987.2 ),頁133-135。 —、(畢譚碧芝):《加拿大參農禁止西洋參種子出口》,《中藥通報》(北京),10 : 9(1985.9 ),頁431-432。 —、(張宏達、王伯蓀、鍾燄興):《香港九龍地區自然植被簡介》,《植物雜誌》(北京),6(1985),頁13。 —、(劉心純)、容方三曼:《香港商品中藥材調查續報》,《中藥材》(廣州),6(1985),頁-25。 166