Vice-Chancellor's Report 1990-93

經常費收支賬項 一九九一年及一九九二年截至當年六月三十日止年度 I ncome and Expend i t u r e Accoun t s for the years ended 30th June, 1991 and 1992 1992 1991 $ $ 收入(大學及理工敎育資助委員會資助之活動) INCOME FOR UPGC SUBVENTED ACTIVITIES 香港政府資助 Hong Kong Government Subvention 1,031,507,507 814,194,150 學費、入學申請費及畢業費等 Fees 95,542,447 76,106,393 租金收入 Rental Income 23,355,350 19,475,142 銀行利息 Bank Interest 11,087,464 12,737,463 雜項 Miscellaneous 751,183 705,375 1,162,243,959 923,218,523 專用款項收入 RESTRICTED INCOME 236,285,363 182,426,018 1,398,529,322 1,105,644,541 支出(大學及理工敎育資助委員會資助之活動) EXPENDITURE FOR UPGC SUBVENTED ACTIVITIES 行政經費 Administration 90,588,352 77,831,749 敎務經費 Academic Departments 834,609,373 647,237,236 校園維修 Maintenance of Premises 101,216,509 85,515,359 一般敎育事務經費 General Educational Expenses 31,083,253 22,242,581 學生福利及康樂經費 Student Facilities and Amenities 40,932,996 35,531,750 雜項開支 Miscellaneous Expenses 72,872,738 57,375,916 簡單工程費用 Minor Works 5,156,643 2,458,895 職員終期酬金準備 Provision for Terminal Gratuities 9,426,659 - 或然費用 Contingencies 234,006 376,489 1,186,120,529 928,569,975 專用款項支出 RESTRICTED EXPENDITURE 236,285,363 182,426,018 1,422,405,892 1,110,995,993 本年度盈餘(虧損) SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR (23,876,570) (5,351,452) 6 99