Vice-Chancellor's Report 1990-93
大學條例與規程(香港法例第一一零九章)修訂* Am e n d m e n t s t o O r d i n a n ce a n d S t a t u t es o f t h e Un i v e r s i ty (CAP 1109)* 修訂日期 Date of Approval 摘 要 Particulars 26.1.91 修訂規程第三、第十、第十四及第二十六條之內容如 下: (i) 委任大學輔導長作大學主管人員及大學敎務會成 員,以取代學生事務處主任; (ii) 增加新的學士及碩士學位;及 (iii) 在推行新的大學學分制課程後,實施有關頒發學位 位規定的各項修訂。 Statutes 3,10,14 and 26 were amended to provide for the following: (i) appointment of the University Dean of Students as a University officer and Senate member in place of the Director of Student Affairs; (ii) new bachelor's and master's degrees; and (iii) effecting changes in the requirements for awarding degrees consequent upon the implementation of the new credit-unit-based curriculum of the University. 5.7.91 修訂規程第二十七條,將主持考試的規定加以修改, 以實施新的大學學分制課程。 Statute 27 was amended to provide for changes in the requirements for conducting examinations consequent upon the implementation of the new credit-unit-based curri- culum of the University. 1.11.91 修訂規程第十四條,敎務會學生委員之名額由五名增 至六名。 Statute 14 was amended for the purpose of adding a sixth student member to the Senate. *收錄於一九九零年八月一日至一九九三年七月卅一日期間,大學監督通過之條例修訂。 * Amendments listed here were given approval by the University's Chancellor between 1st August 1990 and 31st July 1993. 1iii 54
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