Vice-Chancellor's Report 1990-93

學士學位頒授數目 一九九零至九三年 Number o f F i r st Degrees Awa r ded 1990-93 頒授數目 Number of Awards 學位 Degree BA BBA BEd BEng MB ChB BMedSc BNurs BSc BSSc 1990-91 318 327 - - 103 4 - 351 381 1991-92 297 327 39 91 128 4 - 336 396 1992-93 325 357 67 128 1 14 8 46 3 2 ] 4 04 註:所列年度爲學生完成課程後考獲學位 之年度 BA - 文學士 BBA - 工商管理學士 BEd - 敎育學士 BEng - 工 程 學士 MB ChB - 內外全科醫學士 BMedSc - 醫學科學學士 BNurs - 護理學學士 BSC - 理學士 BSSc - 社會科學學士 Notes: Degrees listed were awarded to students who qualified for them in that academic year. BA - Bachelor of Arts BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration BEd - Bachelor of Education BEng - Bachelor of Engineering MB ChB - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery BMedSc - Bachelor of Medical Sciences BNurs - Bachelor of Nursing BSc - Bachelor of Science BSSc - Bachelor of Social Science 3iv 68