Vice-Chancellor's Report 1990-93
學士學位畢業生去向 一九九零至九二年 Des t i nat i ons o f F i r s t Degree Ho l de rs 1990-92 畢業生 百分比 Percentage of Graduates 去向 Destinations 註:不包括醫學院及兼讀學士學位課程之學生 G -政府(任職助理敎育主任者列入「敎育」類別) Ed -敎育 C& I - 工商業 PSSO - 公共及社會服務機構 O - 其他行業 FS - 進修 Misc - 雜 類 Notes: Medical students and students under Part-time Degree Programmes are not included. G - Government (not including Assistant Education Officers who are grouped under the Education sector) Ed - Education C & I - Commerce and Industry PSSO - Public and Social Service Organizations O - Other Employment FS - Further Studies Misc - Miscellaneous 3v 70
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