Annual Report 1993-94

5 Vice-Chancellor's Review The Chinese University of Hong Kong was born 30 years ago into a tumultuous time and place of change. After three decades of spectacular development, it is now an institution w i th over 11,000 students and 3,500 staff members (of wh om around 1,000 are teaching and research staff). Its academic and research activities span seven major disciplines. Its 59 academic departments and numerous research centres and specialized units aim at achieving excellence, and providing quality education and expert services for the Hong Kong community. In the past, vice-chancellors of this university chose to report its progress once every three years. Starting in the 1993-94 academic year, I have decided to make the report an annual exercise so as to keep the public more up-to-date on the rapid changes in the University. I consider this a duty of the University as it is so much a part of the community. The year under review was marked by a series of programmes held to celebrate the University's 30th anniversary. The theme this year was 'To lead, to innovate, and to serve'. Celebrations began in early 1993 w i th three community events — a fund-raising walkathon, a concert, and an exhibition. Eight anniversary lectures and 11 international conferences were then organized throughout the calendar year, and activities reached a climax between October and December 1993 w i th two congregations, a banquet, and an open day. A historical account of the University, The Quest for Excellence, and a pictorial, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: A Celebration, were published to mark the University's 30th birthday. A host of souvenir items were also produced to commemorate this major milestone in the University's growth. The celebration evoked participation on a grand scale both w i t h in the University and without. 三十周年校慶國際研討會 30th Anniversary International Conferences 29.12.1992- 10.1.1993 文化評論國際會議 International Conference on Cultural Criticism 1993 11-12.1.1993 第三屆國際閩方言研討會 The Third International Conference on M in Dialects 27-29.1.1993 中國儺戲•儺文化國際硏討會 International Conference on Nuo Theatre and Nuo Culture 12-15.3.1993 危重病學九三︰第七屆太平洋危重病學協會會議 Critical Care '93 一 the Seventh Congress of the Western Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine 29.3.1993- 2.4.1993 國際眼科會議 Hong Kong Retina 1993 26-28.5.1993 大陸、香港、台灣管理敎育硏討會 Management Education Conference 21-23.6.1993 「東南亞地區華人社會的課程改革︰廿一世紀的挑 戰」國際硏討會 Conference on 'Curriculum Changes for Chinese Communities in Southeast Asia: Challenges of the 21st Century' 25-26.6.1993 「當代中國硏究之發展」國際研討份 International Conference on The Development of Contemporary China Studies' 23-26.8.1993 第一屆國際蕈菌生物學及蕈菌產品會議 The First International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products 22-26.11.1993 法國波曼功能性耳部顯微手術及「香港耳瓣」在開放 式乳突手術之應用硏習斑 The Portmann Course on Functional Microsurgery of the Ear and the Workshop on the 'Hong Kong Flap' in Open Mastoid Surgery 1-5.12.1993 當代華文戲劇創作國際硏討份 International Symposium on Contemporary Play-writing in the Chinese Language