Annual Report 1993-94

14 accordance w i th the timetable set by the government and accepted by the Senate for switching to a uniform entry point after Secondary 7 by 1994-95, the University admitted the last batch of Secondary 6 students. During the year, various departments continued to make final adjustments to programmes of studies and course offerings to ensure a smooth transition to a full-swing new curriculum structure w i th a unified entry point after Secondary 7. 1993-94 was also the third year of the territory-wide tertiary expansion plan, and apart from increased intake in the existing programmes, the University introduced five new postgraduate programmes. Planning for several more new programmes was underway for introduction in 1994-95. New departments appeared or were in the making: the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences was established under the Faculty of Medicine, and preparation work for opening a new Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering in 1994-95 was finalized. The first cohort of Bachelor of Social Science students in architectural studies also graduated this year. 九三至九四年度研究院新設課程 New Postgraduate Programmes in 1993-94 傳播學哲學博士學位課程 PhD Programme in Communication 政治與行政學哲學博士學位課程 PhD Programme in Government and Public Administration 藝術創作哲學碩士學位課程 MPhil Degree Programme (Studio Arts) 行政人員工商管理碩士學位課程 Executive MBA Programme 心理學文憑課程 Diploma Programme in Psychology 課程質素 Quality Assurance 爲使大學之課程及學科水準得以不斷提高,大學教務會議決於九三至九四年度開始 全面實施科目評核制度。各學系開設之科目均需接受評核,以收集學生意見。此項措施 由各學院自行統籌,由設計問卷以至分析回收資料、公布評核結果、安排有關跟進等, 全盤由學院負責執行。大學將統一檢討各學院的評核經驗,以保證此制度可以充分保障 課程質素。 大學亦要求七個學院檢驗其質素保證機制,並將之編成文獻,以方便資料發放。大 學更檢討了學生成績評核的程序,特別是訪問考試委員制度,以增強評核之成效。本科 考試委員會之職責及成員組合已經修訂,以配合學生成績評核之三級監察制度:各學科 之考試小組委員會負責檢查教師之評分;學院負責審查成績評核結果;而大學本科考試 委員會則負責全面協調各學系採用之標準,以減少系與系之間的不平衡,並維持質素。 訪問考試委員制度亦作出了數項調整:訪問考試委員將安排與學生會晤,並須於訪問後 提交有關課程及考試的兩份報告,以配合其作爲課程審查者和考試委員的雙重身分。系 務會則須把訪問委員之報告列入系務會議程,並知會大學校長討論結果。