Annual Report 1993-94

28 For 1993-94, apart from basic infrastructural support and provision of academic staff time from the Block Grant, the largest source of funding for research came from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) Earmarked Grants, awarded on a competitive basis. CUHK academic staff have continued to be extremely successful in bidding for such grants, and both the number of projects supported and the amount awarded have increased significantly. Other major sources of support during the year include $17 million from the UPGC Central Allocation Vote for research infrastructure and projects, $1.78 million from the RGC Central Allocation Scheme for research facilities, $4.43 million from the Croucher Foundation in support of six projects, and £48,991 fromthe UK-HK joint research scheme for eight projects. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization funded a Centre for InternationalServices to Mushroom Biotechnology, making CUHK the regional hub for researchin this area. The Lee Hysan Foundation pledged a donation of HK$2.1 million o support the creation of an Open Chemical Laboratory, making CUHK a centre of chemical instrumentation training for China. The University has continued the policy of allocating, through the Research Committee, research resources drawn from the Block Grant and private funds. In 1993-94, a total of $18.07million was allocated in this manner, $5 million of which as seed money or 11 strategic research programmes involving a large number of academics. 本校過去五年獲研究資助局甄選撥款金額 RGC Earmarked Grants for Research 年份 Year 項目數量 No. of Projects 總金額(百萬港元) Total Amount (HK$million) 1990 24 10.74 1991 44 22.23 1992 44 19.26 1993 57 29.61 1994 91 49.95 研究成果 Research Output 硏究工作的成果,主要以學術報告及論文形式發表。單 在九三至九四年度,本校教研人員便發表專論二千一百一十 九種,題材包羅萬有,其中最値一提的,是中大出版社出版 的《廣東》一書。該書由校內教師撰寫,是他們多年來硏究 廣東省發展的心血結晶。至於其他取得重大突破及理想成績 的硏究,亦比比皆是。