Annual Report 1993-94

大學主要由「人」構成:沒有教職員,大學不能運作; 沒有學生,大學矢言的目標將悉數落空;沒有校友,大學無從 證實其真正價值,更無法獲得支持繼續發展。教職員、學生、 校友是中大最實貴的資產,而校方亦一直維護他們的利益,照顧他們的福祉。 People are what make the University a university. Without staff members it cannot function; without students all its vowed purposes will come to naught; without alumni, there is no proof of its true value and no support for growth The University has been zealous in guarding and promoting the general well-being of its staff, students, and alumni, and they in turn have proved to be the University's greatest assets.