Annual Report 1993-94

63 校園建設 Campus Development 一如往年,九三年至九四年度是忙碌的一年,本校進行了多項重要的擴建。 樓高十層,座落於校園中部的何善衡工程學大樓於九三年九月落成,爲工程學院及 其所屬學系提供辦公地方及各種先進設施。工程學院遷入新樓後,騰出其於碧秋樓及邵 逸夫夫人樓之舊址。這些地方經翻新及重新間隔後,已分配予理學院一些學系及行政單 位,作擴充之用。此外,梁銶琚樓及馮景禧樓之辦公地方,亦經裝修及重新分配,工商 管理學院及文學院各學系得享較佳的教硏環境。其他改善工程如擴建游泳池更衣室、教 職員會所餐廳和貴賓廳,亦已相繼展開。 大學圖書館系統正逐步擴展其在書院校園之設施:新亞書院錢穆圖書館新加建的頂 層於年中投入服務;而建築學圖書館亦快將於王福元樓開設。 將於九四年八月啓用的王福元樓,是崇基校園教學樓群第二期重建的成果,而第三 及第四期(即教學樓第三座及信和樓)也將相繼落成,供崇基學院行政單位、環境硏究 中心、社會科學院院務室,以及四個學系(建築學、地理、心理學及社會學)使用。 另一幢座落崇基校園的新樓爲利樹培堂,爲本科生增添三百個宿位。 1993-94 was another year with a very significant and busy capital building programme. On central campus, the 10-storey Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building was completed in September 1993. Its high-quality modern facilities were taken full advantage of by the Faculty of Engineering and its constituent departments in no time. Premises vacated by the engineering departments in the Pi Ch'iu Building and Lady Shaw Building were fully renovated and repartitioned to accommodate the expansion of several science departments and administrative units. Office space and facilities of the Faculty of Business Administration in the Leung Kau Kui Building, and of the Faculty of Arts in the Fung King Hey Building were reorganized and improved. Works to upgrade changing facilities at the University Swimming Pool and amenities at the Staff Common Room complex were also started. Further away, on New Asia campus, the University Library System got a new- extension floor on the top of the Ch'ien Mu Library. It is also expecting the completion of an architecture library in Wong Foo Yuan Building. The Wong Foo Yuan Building, representing Phase II of the redevelopment of teaching buildings on Chung Chi campus, was scheduled for occupation in August 1994. Redevelopment Phases III and IV (Teaching Building Block III and Sino Building)