Annual Report 1993-94

大學的主要財政來源為香港政府的資助,但每年來自 私人和基金的慷慨捐贈,亦為數不少。捐款多用作 學生獎助學金、建築經費、書院活動經費、研究經費及 學術活動的津貼。這些捐贈提供了額外的資源,容許大學 開創新計劃,尋求比政腊所訂目標更高更遠的理想, 亦補充政府常規資助之不足。 while the University's main source of income for both capital and recurrent expenses is the Hong Kong Government, it has benefited from many generous donations from private benefactors and foundations. Private donations have been used to support scholarships, bursaries, building programmes, college activities, research projects, and academic exchange activities. They enable the University to pursue developments over and above UPGC-approved targets and launch innovative programmes not readily supported by public funds.