Annual Report 1994-95

Leadership Evolution 領導層嬗變 9 由新亞書院院務委員會選任 Elected by the New Asia College Assembly of Fellows 高美慶教授(任期自一九九五年四月 廿七日起) Prof. Ma y c h i ng Kao ( Co u n c il m e m b er f r om 27th A p r il 1995) 以理學院院長身分出任 Elected as Dean of Science 柳愛華教授(任期自一九九四年九月廿七 日起) Dr. Lau O i - w a h ( Co u n c il memb er f r om 27th September 1994) 大學主管人員* U n i v e r s i t y O f f i c e rs * Chancello r His Excellency the Rt. Hon. Christopher Patten 彭定康 Dea n o f Busines s Administratio n Lee Kam-hon 李金漢 Pro-Chancello r Sir Yuet-keung Kan 簡悅強 Dea n o f Educatio n Leslie N.K. Lo 盧乃桂 Vice-Chancello r Charles K. Kao 高錕 Dea n o f Engineerin g Omar Wing 周昌 Pro-Vice-Chancellor s Ambrose Y.C. King 金耀基 Kenneth Young 楊綱凱 Dea n o f Medicin e Arthur K.C. Li 李國章 Dea n o f Scienc e Lau O i - wa h 柳愛華 Treasure r Alice Kiu-yue Lam 林李翹如 Dea n o f Socia l Scienc e Rance P.L. Lee 李沛良 Hea d o f Chun g Ch i Coll g e Rance P.L. Lee 李沛良 Secretar y Jacob S.K. Leung 梁少光 Hea d o f Ne w Asi a Colleg e P.C. Leung 梁秉中 Registra r Ho Wan Siu-wan 何溫小雲 (Acting Registrar) Hea d o f Unite d Colleg e Lee Cheuk-yu 李卓予 Hea d o f Sha w Colleg e Yeung Yue-man 楊汝萬 Libraria n Michael M. Lee 黎民頌 Dea n o f the Graduat e Schoo l Kenneth Young 楊綱凱 Bursa r David A. Gilkes Universit y Dea n o f Student Kuan Hsin-chi 關信基 Dea n o f Art s Ho Hsiu-hwang 何秀煌 *以一九九五年七月卅一日爲準 As at 31st July 1995 卸任校董 O u t g o i ng C o u n c i l M e m b e r s 大學向七位卸任校董致謝 A vote of thanks to seven o u t g o i ng Co u n c il members : 唐翔千先生(一九九五年四月十五日卸任) Mr. H.C. Tang (membership ended on 15th April 1995) 張妙淸教授(一九九五年四月廿二日卸任) Dr. Fanny Cheung (membership ended on 22nd April 1995) 金聖華教授(一九九五年四月廿六日卸任) Dr. Serena Jin (membership ended on 26th April 1995) 孔祥勉博士(一九九五年六月三十日卸任) Dr. James 2.M. Kung (membership ended on 30th June 1995) 馮智活議員(一九九五年七月卅一日卸任) The Rev. the Hon. Fung Chi-wood (membership ended on 31st July 1995) 林鉅成議員(一九九五年七月卅一日卸任) Dr. the Hon. Conrad Lam Kui-shing (membership ended on 31st July 1995) 狄志遠議員(一九九五年七月卅一日卸任) The Hon. Tik Chi-yuen (membership ended on 31st July 1995)