Annual Report 1994-95

Service to Hong Kong and the World 服務香港 放眼世界 39 中學生參加在本校舉行之暑期運動領袖訓練營 Secondary school students in a sports leadership workshop on CUHK campus f a c u l t y a l so c o n d u c t ed a s u r v e y o f g r o w t h a m o n g H o n g Ko n g 's Ch i n e se children, and its findings are expected to have a significant impact o n the development of medical services i n H o ng K o ng and Southeast Asia. Industrial support projects of great relevance to the c o mm u n i ty w e r e initiated b y University researchers u n d er the sponsorship of the Industry Department. These included the application of n e w technologies f or the diagnosis of coronary heart disease, quality control of Chinese me d i c i n es a n d h e a l th f o o d s, de v e l opment of electronic news media, a nd an image retrieval computer system for the local fashion industry. The Faculty of Education continued to provide refresher training courses for serving secondary school teachers and to initiate n ew teaching concepts. Its Physical Education Unit also organized a sports leadership wo r k s h op for some 1,000 secondary students i n the summer of 1995. Last but not least, a total of 3,406 students graduated f r om the University in 1994- 95, including the first batch of graduates f r om the Master of Fine Arts and the Bachelor of Pharmacy programmes. The Chinese University expects its graduates to put to g o od use t he k n o w l e d ge a nd t r a i n i ng t h ey h a ve a c q u i r ed i n s e r v i ng the H o n g K o n g community.