Annual Report 1994-95

Students 學生 4 9 畢業生 G r a d u a t e s 一九九四至九五年度畢業生共三千四 百零六名,其中二千四百八十三名爲本科 生,四百卅八名爲硏究院文憑課程生,四 百八十五名爲硏究院高級學位課程生。是 年畢業生人數爲創校以來之最高紀錄,本 校歷年畢業生總人數至此達四萬三千零五 十人。五十六名應屆本科畢業生於第一學 期結束後已完成修業要求,換言之,他們 是首批因靈活學分制而可於學年中畢業的 學生。 S t u d e n ts w h o c o m p l e t ed t h e i r studies in 1994-95 totalled 3,406, among w h o m we re 2,483 first degre e students, 438 postgraduate diploma students, an d 485 higher degree students. This was a record n umb er since the establishment o f the University a nd b r o u g ht the total n umb er of graduates since 1966 to 43,050 . Of the 2,483 first degree graduates, 56 completed their studies by the e nd o f the first term, i.e., they we re the first batch o f undergraduate students w h o graduated i n the m i d d le of an academic year. Th is has b e en ma d e p o s s i b le b y t he i m p l e m e n t a t i on o f t he f l e x i b le c r e d it u n i t system since 1991-92. 學士學位頒授數目 Number of First Degrees Awarded 1994-95 1966-95 文學士 BA 424 7,191 工商管理學士 BBA 435 5,921 教育學士 B.Ed. 72 258 工程學士 B.Eng. 195 821 內外全科醫學士 MB Ch.B. 134 945 醫學科學學士 B.Med.Sc. 4 28 護理學士 B.Nurs. 68 186 藥劑學士 B.Pharm. 31 31 理學士 B.Sc. 530 7,249 社會科學學士 B.S.Sc. 590 8,532 總數 Total 2,483 31,162 高級學位及文憑頒授數目 Number of Higher Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas Awarded 1994-95 1966-95 博士學位 Doctora l degrees 40 162 碩士學位 Master's degrees 445 4,229 文憑 Diplomas 438 7,497 總數 Total 923 11,888