Annual Report 1994-95

Donations and Accounts 捐贈與帳目 6 5 捐贈與帳目 Donation s and Account s 一九九四至九五年度帳目顯示,中大及其四所成員書院之財政穩健,相較於上年度, 收支增長約百分之十一。本年度是運用一九九二至九五年財政撥款的最後一年,而三年 來,本校均能控制開支於政府撥款及校外捐贈的可用資源範圍內。 校方一貫依賴政府資助維持運作,由於學費增幅已逐步調升至高於通脹,未來數年, 這方面的收入將逐漸增加。 支出增加的原因,部分是通貨膨脹和生活指數提升帶動薪金增長,部分是硏究活動及 設備(尤其電腦設施)獲取額外的資源。目前大學校舍的維修費用雖仍未佔顯著的比例,但 可預見,若要維持一流的教學設施,有些舊樓宇需要更大規模的整修翻新,這方面的開支 將會增加。 校方深切感謝各方慷慨捐貲,以贊助硏究活動、設立獎學金及興建樓宇。捐贈來自各 行各業,有本地企業家,也有海外機構,更有校友及在職之大學成員。沒有這些廣泛的支 持,本校將難以維持高質素的教學。 本校針對內外環境的轉變,於年內檢討及修訂財政管理方法,並推行「單項形式」財 政撥款預算制度。新制度給予學院和學系更大的自主權,以運用資源,當然它們亦因此須 承擔較大的財政責任。校方將繼續改進此項機制,於稍後推展至其他非教學部門,並於九 六年引進新的會計管理制度以作配合,屆時全校的財務資訊流通亦將得以改善。 T h e accounts f or 1994-95 s h ow that the finances o f the Un i v e r s i ty a n d its f o ur colleges are i n a satisfactory a n d healthy state, w i t h a n increase of a r o u nd 11 p er cent i n i n c ome a n d e x p e n d i t u r e. 1994-95 was the last year of the f u n d i ng t r i e n n i um 1992- 95, a nd the University is pleased to report that over the three years it was able to contain its e x p e n d i t u re w i t h i n the resources ma de available b y the g o v e r nme nt a n d outside donations. O n the i n c o me side, the Un i v e r s i ty c o n t i n u ed t o r e ly h e a v i ly o n g o v e r n m e nt f u n d i n g, a l t h o u gh w i t h the rise i n s t u d e ntfees o v er a n d a b o ve i n f l a t i o n, a h i g h er p r o p o r t i on o f e x p e n d i t u re w i l l c ome f r om this source i n future years. O n the e x p e n d i t u re side, there was a n increase, due not o n ly to inflation a n d cost o f l i v i ng salary increases b ut also, to a d d i t i o n al resources b e i ng available for research a n d e q u i pme n t, i n particular c omp u t er enhancements. Howe v e r, wh i l st not a significant p r o b l em at present, i t is clear that mo re resources w i l l be r e q u i r ed for the maintenance o f the premises, as some of the older teaching a nd other buildings w i l l n e ed significant r e n o v a t i o ns i n the years a h e ad i f the Un i v e r s i ty i s t o c o n t i n ue t o p r o v i de first-class facilities.