Annual Report 1995-96

Virus-related tumours, and burns care. The University also hosted the f i r st Un i ve r s i t i es F r i endsh i p Games f or student s f r om mainland China , Ho ng Kong, and Taiwan. Du r i ng the year, many faculty members were honoured by different international bodies for their outstanding achievements. V i ce -Chance l l or Prof. Charles K. Kao received n ume r o us prestigious awards i n recognition of his significant contributions to fibre optic communications: the Gold Meda l for Engineering Excellence awarded b y the Wo r l d Federation of Engineering Organizations, the Japan Prize awa r ded b y the Science and Technology Foundation of Japan, and the nam i ng of a m i no r planet after h i m by the Purple Mo u n t a in Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof . Thomas C. W. Ma k of the Department of Chemistry was awarded the prestigious Chinese Nationa l Awa rd i n Natural Science. Prof. Joseph Y. N. H u i of the Departmen t of Information Engineering was elected Fellow of the N e w York-based Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Prof. Teik E. Oh of the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care was elected Councillor of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthesia. 服 務 香 港 On The Local Scene 一如以往,中大教職員年內為本地眾多機 構和組織服務,包括大學教育資助委員會、太 平洋經濟合作理事會香港委員會、市政局、醫 院管理局、職業安全健康局、房屋委員會、城 市規劃委員會、青少年事務委員會、康體發展 局及藝術發展局等。 中大及其成員書院亦分別主辦傑出教授或 傑出學人訪問計劃,邀請世界知名學者訪校, 主持公開講座及研討會,促進學術交流。過去 一年應邀來訪的著名學者包括諾貝爾化學獎得 主 Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn ,病理學權威 Prof. And r ew Wy l l i e ,知名物理學家 Prof. Leo P. Kadanoff , 中古史學家 Prof. C. Warren Hollister 及著名心理學家 Prof. J. A. Scott Kelso 等。 中大校外進修學院是本港最早開辦持續教育的機構之一,為社會人士提供持續教育及專 業課程達三十一年,一九九五至九六年度有三萬多名來自各行各業的人士修讀該院開辦的普 高錕教授出席日本國際獎頒獎典禮 Prof. LeoP. Kadanoff 服務香港放眼世界Service to Hong Kong and the World 36