Annual Report 1995-96

一九九五至九六年度學生人數* student Enrolment* 1995-96 全日制課程 Full-time Prog. 兼讀制課程 Part-time Prog. 總人數 Total 本科生 Undergraduates 9,400 1,060 10,460 (9,760) 研究生* * Postgraduates** 文憑課程 Diploma programmes 76 714 790 碩士課程 Master's programmes 655 648 1,303 博士課程 Doctoral programmes 204 935 97 1,459 301 2,394 (2,208) 總人數 Total 10,335 2,519 12,854 (11,968) *以當年十二月卅一日之紀錄計算 All figures as at 31st December ** 不包括八十四名在大學教育資助委員會核定學額以外錄取之學生 Excluding 84 students admitted outside UG C quota ( )內為一九九四至九五年度學生人數 Indicating 1994-95 figures A 7.4 per cent g r ow th in student enrolment was registered. On 31st December 1995, the enrolment figure stood a t 12,854, of w h om 81 per cent were undergraduates and 19 per cent postgraduates. The faculty of business administration continued to be th e largest faculty in terms of student enrolment, wh i le the faculty of social science registered the largest number of undergraduate students. The ratio of male to female students in the whole university was still about 1:1, w i t h more female students at the undergraduate level, particularly in the faculties of arts, business administration, education, and social science. 畢業生 Graduates 一九九五至九六年內共有四千一百二十六名學生完成學業,其中三千一百二十三名為本 科生,四百七十一名為研究院文憑課程學生,五百三十二名為研究院高級學位課程學生。自 一九六六年至今,本校畢業生人數已逹四萬七千一百七十六人。本年度本科畢業生人數增幅 更高達百分之二十六,其中九十五人於第一學期結束後已完成修業要求,是實施靈活學分制 後,第二批可於學年中畢業的學生。 學生 Students 48