Annual Report 1995-96

經常費收支賬項 截至一九九六年六月三十日止年度 Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 30th June 1996 1996 1995 $'000 $'000 經常性收入 Ge n e r al income 香港政府資助 Hong Kong Government subvention s 2,332,585 1,777,645 學費、入學申請費及畢業費等 Fee s income 370,062 265,742 利息 / 投資收益 Interest/investment income 41,749 36,845 租金 Rental recovery 38,085 33,655 雜項 Miscellaneous income 4,050 1,265 2,786,531 2,115,152 特定收入 Specific income 652,117 502,656 3,438,648 2,617,808 經常性支出 General expenditure 行政經費 Administration 146,295 118,563 教務經費 Academic 2,002,016 1,686,858 校園維修 Maintenance of premises 200,024 166,327 一般教育事務經費 Genera l education 27,068 23,528 學生福利及康樂經費 Student facilities and amenities 78,359 73,690 雜項 Miscellaneous 157,417 132,098 簡單工程費用 Minor works 41,816 15,769 2,652,995 2,216,833 特定支出 Specific expenditure 459,942 397,139 3,112,937 2,613,972 盈餘 Surplus for the year 325,711 3,836 轉賬自(至) Transferred from (to) 儲備金 Reserves (167,527) 21,475 特定款項 Specific funds (109,933) (105,517) 淨盈餘(虧損)轉大學教育資助委員會撥款平衡賬 Net surplus (deficit) transferred to UGC equalization account 48,251 (80,206) Donations and Accounts 捐贈與賬目 73