Annual Report 1996-97

一九九六至九七年度全職教職員職别/職級分布圖 D i s t r i bu t i on of Fu l l - t ime Staff by Job Types/Grades 1996-97 註: 以一九九七年六月三十日之紀錄計算(不包括擔任名譽職務者) Note: All figures as at 30th June 1997 (Honorar y appointments not included) 1995, academic departments could make use of available resources to engage internationall y renowned scholars in both long-term and short-term appointments to strengthen their academic profile and support academic development. Since the implementation of the Academic Titles Scheme in 1995, most full-time teachers have a d o p t ed a c a d em ic titles appropriate to their respective grades. The s c h eme was extended to part-time/honorary teachers in January 1997, to a c c o rd t h em titles appropriate to their 55 Staff