Annual Report 1998-99

一九九八至九九年度亞洲課程學生原屬地區 H ome Countries of IASP Students 1998-99 一九九八至九九年度中大交換生留學地區 Ho s t Co u n t r i es f o r CUHK Ou t g o i ng S t u d e n ts 1998-99 由九八年七月至九九年二月,中大跟北京大學及香港大學一起 參與由美國 Tufts University 創辦及資助的 TILIP 計劃,該先導計 劃的目的是在亞太區培育具有跨文化領導才能的年青領袖。 至於參加雙邊交換計劃的中大學生共有一百一十人,而相應有 一百廿八名來自不同國家的學生到中大修讀由國際交換計劃處統 籌的課程。 exchange agreement with the University of Alberta in Canada. From July 1998 to February 1999, CUHK, Pekin g University, and The University of Hong Kong participated in the Tufts Institut e for Leadership and International Perspective (TILIP) Programme, which was a pilot project initiated and funded by Tufts University in the USA to prepare students from the collaborating universities for leadership across cultures in the Asia-Pacific region. During the same year, 128 incoming exchange students from different parts of the world attended the University's various academic programmes coordinated by the Office of International Studies Programmes (OISP), and a total of 110 CUHK students pursued their studies in overseas universities. 一九九四至九九年度交換生人數 Number of Exchange Students 1994-99 學術發展 Academi c Development 18