Annual Report 1998-99

o 工商管理學院應國際管理敎育協會邀請接受入會評審,評審範 疇包括學院的使命、敎師培訓、課程發展及敎學素質。該院的 商學和會計課程均順利通過評審,並成為國際管理敎育協會在亞 洲區的首個成員學院。 o 新成立的酒店管理學院將於一九九九年九月開始取錄酒店管理 本科課程學生;該院並與美國康奈爾大學的酒店管理學院結成策 略聯盟移伴,以開展交換生計劃和敎師硏究合作。預期該課程 的畢業生可投身酒店、旅遊、房地產、投資銀行等服務行業,擔 任管理要職。 o 該院與美國賓夕法尼亞大學華頓商學院達成本科生交換計劃,由 一九九九至二零零零年度開始推行。兩院並將開展敎師交流活 動,和合力培訓中國內地的硏究生。 o The faculty was invited by the AACSB - The International Association for Management Education to undergo an accreditation review of the mission, faculty development, curriculum planning, and instructional deliver y of its business and accounting programmes, both of which subsequently achieved accreditation in April 1999, being the first such programmes in Asia to have been so accredited. o The faculty set up a new School of Hotel Management which would begin to enrol students in the BBA Programme in Hotel Management in Septembe r 1999. A strategic alliance was also established with the Cornell Hotel School, which makes possible undergraduate student exchange and faculty collaboration. Graduates from the programme are expected to provide leadership in the hotel or tourism industry, real estate, and other service industries. o The faculty finalized preparations to formalize its linkage with Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania by establishing an undergraduate exchange programme from the 1999-2000 academic year. Plans for faculty exchange and the joint training of mainland research students were also under way. MAJOR EVENT 學術發展 Academic Development 23