Annual Report 1999–2000

捐贈、財務與賬目 97 DONATIONS , FINANC E AN DACCOUNT S 收支表 截至二零零零年六月三十日止年度 INCOME AN D EXPENDITURE STATEMENT f o r t h e y e a r e n d e d 5 0 t h J U N E 2 0 0 0 2000 1999 $'000 $'000 經常收入 General income 大學敎育資助委員會經常撥款 UGC recurrent grants 2,416,491 2,507,896 學費及其他收費 F e e s income 480,394 477,531 利息及投資收益 Interest/investment income 114,112 105,460 租金收入 / 回收 Rental income/recovery 11,009 11,437 雜項收益 Miscellaneous income 2,153 8,664 3,024,159 3,110,988 專用收入 Specific income 特定撥款 Earmarked grants 捐贈基金及捐款 Endowment income and donations 526,249 428,214 基建項目撥款 C a p i t al grants 258,431 242,802 其他營運收入 Other operating income 348,462 294,269 1,683,826 1,429,679 經常支出 General expenditure 行政經費 Administration 158,872 153,899 敎務經費 A c a d e m ic 2,134,801 2,034,436 校園維修 Maintenance of premises 296,966 221,787 —般敎育事務經費 G e n e r al education 39,285 31,098 學生福利及康樂經費 Student facilities and amenities 90,798 87,558 雜項 Miscellaneous 58,159 91,564 簡單工程 M i n o r works 32,328 37,095 2,811,209 2,657,437 專用支出 Specific expenditure 特定撥款有關支出 Expenditure funded by earmarked grants 536,485 436,743 捐贈基金及捐款有關支出 Expenditure funded b y endowment income and donations 285,007 267,031 基建項目支出 C a p i t al expenditure 215,080 261,414 其他營運支出 Other operating expenditure 223,707 182,987 1,260,279 1,148,175 本年度盈餘 Surplus for the year 636,497 735,055 淨轉賬至 Net transferred to 儲備金 Reserves (104,632) (84,559) 專用基金 Specific funds (423,547) (281,504) 淨盈餘轉至大學敎育資助委員會撥款平衡賬 Net surplus transferred t o UGC equalization account 108,318 368,992