Annual Report 1999–2000
學術發展 24 ACADEMI C DEVELOPMEN T 文學院重要發展 Major Events i n th e Faculty o f Arts •文學院於一九九九至二零零零年度設立傑出人文學者訪 問計劃,共有九位來自不同學術範疇之世界一流學者 到訪,並協助該院發展敎學及研究事宜。 •文學院於二零零零年一月八至十日,與香港特別行政 區政府民政事務局合辦「文化與人文千禧展望:人文價 值的未來」國際會議,與會者包括十四位世界知名學 者、思想家及宗敎領袖,從跨科角度討論文化與人文於 新紀元的發展。 •文學院創辦「新紀元全球華人青年文學獎」創作及翻譯 比賽,供全球全日制專上學生參加,共收到二千四百 多份參賽作品。該比賽獲十八所海內外院校及機構支持 協辦,並獲八位文壇及譯壇名宿出任決審團評判。 •中國語言及文學系於一九九九年十月舉辦「粵音及詩歌 格律國際研討會」,另於二零零零年三月首辦粤音水平 測試,兩項活動均屬該系卓越學科領域「粤語的研究、 敎育及文藝創作」計劃。該系另一項相關的,「現代標 準漢語與粵語對照之敎學資源發展」研究計劃,獲優質 敎育基金撥款約一百萬港元。 •現代語言及文化系於二零零零年三月二十至二十四日與 駐港歐洲國家領事館合辦歐洲文化週;葡萄牙、德國、 法國、意大利及英國的駐港領事,以及歐盟駐港澳辦 事處代理主任蒞臨中大校園出席會議。 • A Distinguished Humanities Professorship Scheme wa s introduced i n 1999-2000 t o sponsor nine t o p international scholars o f different disciplines t o visit th e Faculty and t o help develop teaching an d research. • A n International Congress o n Culture an d H u m a n i ty i n th e N e w M i l l e n n i um: The Future o f H u m a n Values wa s j o i n t ly organized w i t h th e H o me Affairs Bureau o f th e H K S A R government f r om 8t h t o 10th January 2000 , which brought together 1 4 w o r l d famous scholars, thinkers, an d religious leaders t o discuss the future development o f culture an d h uma n i t y i n th e ne w century f r om a multi- disciplinary perspective. • Th e Global Y o u t h Chinese Literary A w a r d f o r th e N e w Century wa s organized in collaboration w i t h 18 other Chinese an d overseas universities an d institutions. The award, a w r i t i ng competition open t o full-time undergraduate students worldwide, attracted more than 2,400 entries, an d secured th e support o f eight prominent writers an d scholars as th e final adjudicators. • The Department of Chinese Language and Literature organized an International Conference o n Cantonese an d Classical Poetry Pattern i n October 199 9 an d conducted th e first Cantonese Pronunciation Proficiency Test i n March 2000, both functions being part an d parcel! o f th e department's Area o f Excellence i n 'Cantonese Research, Education an d Creative Wr i t i n g '. An o t h er related research project entitled. ‘A Comparative Study o f Mo d e rn Chinese an d Cantonese i nth e Development of Teaching Resources' wa s awarded some H K $ 1 m i l l i on b y th e Qu a l i ty Education Fund. • Th e Department o f M o d em Languages an d Intercultural Studies,i n conjunction w i t h European consulates i n H o n g Kong, organized a European Intercultural Week f r om 20t h t o 24th Ma r ch 2000, w h i ch wa s attended b y the consuls-general o£ Portugal, Germany, France, Italy, an d th e U K , as well as th e A c t i ng Head o f the H o n g K o ng an d Macau Office o f th e European Un i o n.
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