Annual Report 1999–2000
學術發展 26 ACADEMI C DEVELOPMEN T 工商管理學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Business Administration •酒店管理學諮詢委員會於二零零零年五月五日成立, 由本港酒店業、旅遊及服務業、不動產業等要員組成, 包括來自半島酒店、香港旅遊協會、香港酒店業主聯會 的代表。 • Beta Gamma S i g m a 香港中文大學分會,於二零零零年三 月十八日舉行成立典禮,共有十四名敎師、四十二名研 究 生 及 八 十 九 名 本 科 生 獲 授 會 員 資 格 。 B e t a Gamma Sigma — 九 一 三 年 始 創 於 美 國 , 為 國 際 的 商 業 榮 譽 協 會, 致力表揚學業成績優異的商科學生,該會會員所屬院 校均須獲得美國商學院協會一國際管理敎育協會認可。 Beta Gamma S i g m a 中大分會是北美洲以外的首個分 會。 •英文《亞洲新聞》週刊於二零零零年五月五日公布亞太 區(包括澳洲及新西蘭)著名工商管理碩士課程的調查 結果,本校兼讀制工商管理碩士課程及行政人員工商 管理碩士課程榮膺香港第一、亞洲第二;而全日制工商 管理碩士課程則位列全港第一、亞洲第六。評估準則 包括院校的收生標準、學術資源、畢業生就業情況、 學院聲望及與各方的聯繫等。 • 工 商 管 理 學 院 於 二 零 零 零 年 五 月 成 為 「 G l o b a l Workplace」 聯盟一員。聯盟旨在聯繫世界各地優秀的商學院,為其畢 業生及校友提供獨家專享的網上求職服務,協助他 們擴闊求職領域,促進事業發展,並加強校友和母校之 間的聯繫。 •四名商學本科生於二零零零年三月勝出第十一屆 Harold Crookell 國際商業個案比賽,為中大連續兩年奪得冠軍。 賽事由加拿大西安大略大學 Richard Ivey 商學院主辦, 評判團由多名商業機構的行政總裁及該院敎授組成。 會計學院代表隊於二零零零年四月參加「龍騰盟會計學 • A n Advisory Committe e for the newl y established School of H o t el Management was inaugurated on 5th Ma y 2000, w i t h members being drawn f r om the top players in the tourism, hospitality, and real estate industries, including representatives f r om The Peninsula H o n g Kong, the H o n g Ko ng Tourist Association, an d The Federation of H o n g K o ng Ho t el Owners Ltd. • Beta Gamma Sigma, founded in the Un i t ed States in 1913, i s an international honour society recognizing the outstanding academic achievements of students enrolled in collegiate business and management programmes accredited by the A ACSB - International Association for Management Education. The Chinese University of H o n g Ko ng Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, the first Chapter outside N o r t h America, was installed on 18th March 2000. A total of 14 faculty members, 42 graduates, and undergraduates were inducted as members. • The University's M B A Programmes achieved very high rankings in Asiaweek's survey of the best M B A Schools i n Asia (including Australia and N e w Zealand), the results of w h i ch were published on 5th May 2000. Bo th the part-time M B A and the Executive M B A Programmes were ranked first i n H o n g Ko ng and second i n Asia. The full-time M B A Programme came first i n H o n g K o ng and sixth i n Asia. Ratings were based on the quality of students selected an d graduate output , the amount of faculty resources, the school's academic reputation and networking. • The Faculty became a member of the Global Workplace (ww com) in May 2000, at the invitation of the Global Workplac e alliance, whose aims are to provide an exclusive on-line senior executive appointment service to the alumni of the world's premier business schools, to contribute to the advancement of their professional careers, and to reinforce the relationship between these alumni and their schools. • Four B BA students w o n the 11th H a r o l d Crookell International Case Competition i n March 2000 , making C U H K the champion t wo years i n a row. Organized by the Richard Ivey School of Business of the Universit y of Western Ontario i n Canada, this year's competition invited the participation of six prestigious business schools f r om different parts of the world. The panel of judges comprised CEOs of consulting firms and professors of that business school.
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