Annual Report 1999–2000
學術發展 28 ACADEMI C DEVELOPMEN T 教育學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Education •敎育學院於一九九九年十一月成立「大學與學校夥伴協 作中心」,旨在與學界建立互惠的夥伴關係。中心已 開展多項研究及發展計劃,計有:「香港躍進學校計 劃」、「家庭與學校合作研究計劃」、「資優計劃」、 「官立及資助中學學校效能研究」、「透過啟動課程促進 新來港學童融入香港主流學校的發展及研究計劃」、 「優質幼兒敎育計劃」及「大學與學校夥伴協作共創優質 敎育計劃」。 •香港敎育領導發展中心於一九九九年成立,目的是為香 港、亞太區及其他社區的敎育領導者,提供優質的研 究、發展及培訓活動;現致力探討及發展校長在香港學 校體系中的專業角色。 •該院與香港敎育研究所合辦了「新世紀的價值敎育與公 民敎育」和「基礎敎育的改革」大型學術會議。 •敎育學院主辦國際語文敎育研討會,主題為「語文、課 程及評核:研究、實踐與規劃」。該會議首次在本校 舉行,並由中國語言及文學系、英文系及英語敎學單位 合作統籌。 •體育運動科學系於二零零零年六月主辦第十八屆國際運 動生物力學會議,是該會議首次移師亞洲舉行。 • Th e Centre f o r University an d School Partnership (CUSP) was inaugurated i n No v emb er 199 9 t o foster amutually beneficial relationship between th e University an d th e school sector. Projects operated b y th e CUSP include th e H o n g K o ng Accelerated Schools Project, th e Home-School Collaboration Project : Programmes f o r th e Gifted an d Talented, th e Study o n Effectiveness of Public Sector Secondary Schools, th e 'Enhancing th e Integration o f th e N e w l y A r r i v ed Children f r om Mainland China i n Mainstream Schools i n H o n g K o ng T h r o u gh a "Setting-off" Curricula’Research and Development Project, Qu a l i ty Education for Pre-Schools, an d th e University an d School Partnership fo r Qu a l i ty Education Project. • Th e H o n g K o n g Centre f o r th e Development o f Educational Leadership wa s established i n 199 9 t o conduct qualit|y research, development, an d training I activities fo r educational leaders i n Hong Kong, th e Asia-Pacific region, and th e wider international c ommu n i t y. The study an d development o f principalship i n the school sector o f H o n g K o n g has been a major area o f concern. • T w o conferences were co-organized w i t h th e H o n g K o ng Institute of Educational Research — 'Values Education an d Citizenship Education i n th e N e w Century', and ' Re f o rm of Basic Education'. • Th e International Language i n Education Conference 1999 wa s held f o r the first time o n campus in conjunction with the Department o f Chinese Language an d Literature, th e Department o f English, an d th e English Language Teaching U n i t , under th e theme o f 'Language, Cu r r i c u l um an d Assessment: Research, Practice and Management'. • Th e 18t h International Symposium o f Biomechanics i n Sports (ISBS 2000) wa s held fo r th e first time i n Asia o n th e campus of th e University i n June 2000.
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