Annual Report 1999–2000
學術發展 50 ACADEMI C DEVELOPMENT 工 程 學 院 重 要 發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Engineering •工程學院獲工業界夥伴的支持,於一九九九年十一月設立 「電子商務技術發展中心」,致力開展互聯網訊息系統及 電子商貿之基礎及應用研究。中心將提供業務重整及系統 發展的培訓與顧問服務,提升業界的電子商務技術。 •慧科訊業有限公司是從工程學院分拆出來的公司,專注 發展電子媒介及資訊傳送服務。慧科的核心技術包括雅博 多語言檢索系統和電子排版轉換系統,分別由系統 工程與工程管理學系和訊息工程學系研發。慧科於本年獲 強力注資,二零零零年七月底的估值達二千五百萬美元。 •計算機科學與工程學系學生郭智亮、王浩然和劉立志, 於二零零零年三月在美國奧蘭多舉行的第二十四屆 AC M 國際程式設計比賽奪得第八名。該項比賽是國際電腦科學 和敎育界最大規模、最負盛名的比賽之一。 •美國柏克萊加州大學大學敎授兼 NEC 傑出工程學敎授田 長霖敎授,以偉倫訪問敎授的身分,於二零零零年三月 訪問工程學院,並主持公開講座,論述「大中華地區知識 型經濟的開發與協調」。 • The Centre for the Advancement o f E-Commerce Technologies was established i n November 1999 i n collaboration w i t h several industrial partners to conduct basic and applied research on the Internet, information system technologies, and enterprise solution technologies. It w o u ld help local industry adopt e-commerce technologies by providing training, consulting, business re-engineering, and system development services. • Wisers Information Ltd., a spin-off company f r om th e Faculty of Engineerin g focussing on electronic media and information service delivery, relies on t w o core technologies — the I P OC multilingual search engine and the E NM P OS media operating system — developed respectively by the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and the Department of Information Engineering. The company attracted mu ch financial interest and was valued a t US$25 m i l l i on b y the end of 1999-2000. • Three students f r om the Department of Computer Science and Engineering — K w o k Chi- leong, Wo n g Ho - y i n, and Lau Lap-chi 一 cam e eighth i n the 24th A C M International Collegiate Programming Contest Wo r l d Finals held i n Orlando i n Ma r ch 2000. The competition is c ommo n ly held as the top programming competition for university students of computing. • Prof. Tien Chang-lin, Universit y Professor and N E C Distinguished Professor o f Engineering of the University of California at Berkeley, visited the facult y in March 2000. D u r i ng his visit he delivered a public lecture entitle d 'The Synergy and Development of Knowledge-based E c o n omy in Greater China' as a Wei L u n Visiting Professor.
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