Annual Report 1999–2000

學術發展 52 ACADEMI C DEVELOPMEN T 醫學院重要發展 Major Events i nthe Faculty o f Medicine •設於威爾斯親王醫院的公共衛生學院已動工興建。 •學院新設立了三個中心,以促進醫療研究和服務。它們 包括與賽馬會合夥在沙田醫院設立的賽馬會耆智園, 於威爾斯親王醫院成立的香港進食失調中心,以及由工 業署資助、於藥劑學院成立的藥物評價實驗室。 • 一 九 九 八 年 諾 貝 爾 生 理 學 及 醫 學 獎 得 獎 人 P r o f . Ferid Murad 應邀主持公開講座,論述血管舒張的因由。 •醫學院轄下學系舉辦了七個大型會議: 一糖尿病及心血管疾病危險因素一東西方共同關注研 討會(內科及藥物治療學系) 一新興婦女健康問題專題研討會(社區及家庭醫學系 與崇基學院合辦) 一亞太地區肌肉骨骼系統腫瘤協會第三屆會議之「二 零 零零年後肌肉骨骼系統腫瘤治療的新方向」(矯形外 科及創傷學系) 一 Advances i n Medicine 2000 ( 內科及藥物治療學系) 一第十四屆國際消化治療內鏡學術研討會(內科及藥 物 治療學系和外科學系) —全國依賴性學術會議(精神科學系與中國毒理學會依 賴性專業委員會合辦) 一第十七屆國際腫瘤標誌物學院會議暨第五屆香港 癌 症研究所周年科研會議(腫瘤學系) • Construction o f the superstructure o f the Schoolo f Public Health began a t th e precincts o f the Prince o f Wales Hospital. • Three new centres wer e established t o facilitate research and provide quality service t o the general public. They were the Jockey Club Centre fo r Positive Ageing a t the Sha T i n Hospital established i n partnership w i t h the H o n g Ko ng Jockey Club, the H o n g Ko ng Eating Disorder Center set u p a tthe Prince o f Wales Hospital, and the D r ag Evaluation Laboratory a t the School o f Pharmacy supported b y the Industry Department. • Prof. Ferid Murad, 1998 No b el laurate i n physiology and medicine, was invited t o give a public lecture o n 'Cellular Signalling w i t h N i t r ic A c id and Cycli c GMP '. • Seven major conferences and symposia were organized b y various departments: 一 'Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk Factors 一 East Meets West Symposium' (Department o f Medicine and Therpeutics) 一 'Emerging Issues i n Women's Health', co-organized w i t h Chung C h i College (Department o f C ommu n i ty and F am i ly Medicine) 一 T h i rd Meeting of the Asia P a c i f i c; Musculoskeletal T umo ur Society on '2000 and Beyond: N ew Directions f o rthe Management o f Musculoskeletal Tumours' (Department o f Orthopaedics and Traumatology) —'Advances i n Medicine 2000' (Department of Medicine and Therapeutics) — ' 1 4 t h International Workshop o n Therapeutic Endoscopy' (Department o f Medicine and Therapeutics and Department o f Surgery) — ‘ Ho ng Ko ng and Mainland Conference on D r ug Dependence', jointly organized w i t h the National Institute o n D r ug Dependence (Department o f Psychiatry) 一 The H o n g Ko ng Cancer Institute's F i f th Annual Scientific Symposium o n 'Oncology 2000 — F r om Molecules t o Management' held i n conjunction w i t h the 17th meeting o f the International Academy o f T umo ur Marker Oncology (Department o f Clinical Oncology)