Annual Report 1999–2000
學術發展 54 ACADEMI C DEVELOPMEN T 理學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Science •中醫學課程於本學年開辦,首年收生十五人。數學系、 統計學系及化學系各增加一個主修課程組別,分別為 數學精研組、風險管理科學組,以及化學與管理組。後 兩組更獲敎務會批准升格為主修課程,將分別於二零零 零至二零零一及二零零一至二零零二年度招生。 •理學院於二零零零年一月頒授首設的模範敎學獎,以表 揚有傑出表現的敎師。該獎項以學系為單位,共有六 名敎師獲殊榮。院長榮譽錄證書亦於同一儀式上授予學 業成績優異之學生。 •生物化學系及生物系成功競投得敎育署近五十萬元資 助,籌辦中六生物學敎師培訓計劃。該計劃由敎育署課 程發展處策劃。 •理學院「植物與真菌生物科技」研究計劃獲選為敎資會 卓越學科領域,並獲該會劃撥三千八百八十萬元作研 究經費。 •生物系學生的「推廣基因改良食品政策」計劃,獲得香 港公共政策創意獎勵計劃比賽公開組季軍。賽事由香港 政策研究所及香港青年協會合辦。 • Th eBachelor i n Chinese Medicine programme wa s launched i n 1999-2000 w i t h a n initial intake o f 15 students. Three ne w streams were also introduced — th e Enrichment stream i n th e Mathematics major programme, th e Risk Management Science stream i n th e Statistics major programme, an d th e Chemistry w i t h Management Studies stream i n th e Chemistry major programme, w i t h th e latter t wo t o be converted into full-fledged undergraduate programmes i n 2000-1 and 2001-2 respectively. • Th e Exemplary Teaching A w a rd Scheme wa s introduced t o give recognition t o excellence i n teaching. On e lecturing staff f r om each o f the six departments were honoured i n January 2000. Th e awards fo r th e Dean's Ho n o u rs List were also distributed o n the same occasion i n th e presence o£ staff, students,an d their parents. • Th e Departments o f Biochemistry an d Biology w o n some HK$0.5 m i l l i on i n an open bidding exercise fo r th e organization o f teacher development courses fo r Sixth F o r m biology teachers. Th e project is commissioned b y th e Cu r r i c u l um Development Institute o f th e Education Department. • Th e Faculty's Area o f Excellence i n Plant an d Fungal Biotechnology attracted funding t o th e tune o f HK$38.8 m i l l i on fo r five years f r om th e University Grants Committee (UGC). Th e project wa s on e o f th e three proposalschosen b y th e U G C fo r support in the first round th e A o E funding exercise. • A team o f students f r om th e Department o f Biology were th e second runners-up of th e Y o u ng Ad u lt Section i n th e H o n g K o ng Public Policy Innovation A w a rd Scheme j o i n t ly organized b y th e H o n g K o ng Policy Research Institute an d th e H o n g Ko ng Federation o f Y o u t h Groups. Th e award-winning project wa s ‘A Policy fo r th e Development o f Genetically Modified Foods an d Food Products i n H o n g Kong'.
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