Annual Report 1999–2000
學術發展 56 ACADEMI C DEVELOPMENT 社會科學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Social Science •新聞與傳播學系易名為新聞與傳播學院,並新增「多媒 體與電訊」本科專修範圍和新聞學文學碩士課程,為學 生提供全面的傳播專業訓練。 •由香港建築師學會、建築師註冊管理局、英聯邦建築 師協會及中國高等學校建築專業評估委員會聯合組成之 評審圑,於二零零零年四月十七至十九日到訪及進行 學術評審後,建築學系的本科課程及建築碩士課程均獲 得認可,為期五年。 •因應社會對兼具法律和公共事務知識人才的需求,政治 與行政學系開辦了法律與公共事務社會科學碩士課程。 這是全港唯一結合法律和公共事務的碩士課程。 •地理系邀請加拿大馬尼托巴大學傑出講座敎授 P r o f. Vaclav S m i l 來訪,並主持公開演講,談論「從長遠角度 看中國的能源: 1 9 5 0 - 2 0 5 0」。P r o f. S m i l 對中國的經濟、 環境及能源發展有深入研究,訪校期間作了多次演講。 •人類學系、雲南大學人類及社會工作學系、伊利諾大學 人類學及東亞與太平洋研究中心,於一九九九年九月廿 八日至十月三日在昆明合辦「旅遊、人類學與中國社會 國際會議。 • The Department of Journalism and Communication was rename d the School of Journalism and Communication. To provide training for students in all major communications professions, the School expanded its undergraduate curriculum to include telecommunications and multimedia, and introduced an M A programme i n journalism. • A visitation board formed by the H o ng Ko ng Institute of Architects-Architects Registration Board and the Commonwealth Association of Architects visited the Department o£ Architecture between 17th and 19th A p r il 2000, consequent upo n which the Bachelor of Social Science (Architectural Studies) Programme and th e Master of Architecture Programme were recognized for a period of five years. • In response to societal demands for professionals w i t h knowledge in law and public affairs, the Department of Government and Public Administration introduced the Master of Social Science Programme in Law and Publi c Affairs, the only graduate programme in H o ng Ko ng to combine both areas of studies in its curriculum. • The Department of Geography hosted a public lecture on 'Long-term Perspectives on China's Energy: 1950-2050' by Prof. Vaclav Smil, FRSC, distinguished professor at the University of Manitoba, Canada, on 7th Octobe r 1999. Prof. Smil specializes in interdisciplinary energy studies and China's economy and environment. He presented several other lectures during his two- week visit. • The Department of Anthropology co-organized an international conference on 'Anthropology, Chinese Society and Tourism' w i th the Department of Anthropology and Social Wo r k o£ Yunnan University, and the Department o£ Anthropology and the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies o f the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, f r om 25th September to 3rd October 1999 in Kunming, Yunnan Province.
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