Annual Report 1999–2000
傑•出•研•究•計•劃 Outstanding Research Project 社 會 科 學院 Faculty of Social Science 博統、文化變遷與認同:中國與東南 亞閩南人研究 Tradition, Change, and Identity: A Study of the Minnan People in China and Southeast Asia 這項研究由陳志明敎授、吳燕和敎授、 譚少薇敎授和張展鴻敎授等合作開展, 透過搜集得來的資料,分析有關香港、 福建、台灣和東南亞地區閩南人的傳 統、文化變遷和認同等問題。硏究人員 從閩南人如何適應多種社會文化及政治 環境的角度著手,探討文化延續和文化 轉變的互動關係,以及影響中國人在不 同社會的生活模式的文化原則。研究 為期兩年,涵蓋節日和宗敎傳統、新舊 習俗、中國物質文化(古董)、傳統 與中國女性、傳統與社會組織,將有助 了解「中國人內涵」的統一性與多元 性。 This project, headed by Profs. Tan Chee Beng, David W.Y. Ho, Maria S.M. Tam, and Sidney C.H. Cheung, is a pioneering attempt to collect data for the analysis of tradition, change, and identities of the Minna n people (of South Fujian origin) in Hong Kong, Fujian, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia. By focussing on the adaptation of the Minnan people in diverse socio-cultural and political environments, the research seeks to understand the dynamics of cultural continuit y and cultural change as well a s the major cultural principles which guide the socia l and organizational life of the Chinese inside and outside China. The study will last for two years and is expected to she d light on the unity and diversity of Chineseness through investigating festivals and religious traditions, old and new customs, Chinese materia! culture (antiques), traditions in relation t o Chinese women, and traditions and social organization.
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