Annual Report 1999–2000

教職員 65 STAFF 人事政策與服務條款 為配合社會和大學的發展,以及進一步提高服務素質,大學 今年修訂了多項人事政策與服務條款。 公務員薪俸及服務條件常務委員會於一九九九年六月完成 對公務員薪酬的檢討,並建議調整新入職公務員的薪酬,以 配合私人機構的薪酬趨勢。中大是政府資助機構,亦相應調 整了所有與公務員職系相類職級的入職薪酬。而為了維持 內部公平的原則,其他職級的薪酬亦已一併調整。大學與政 府的新入職薪酬制度同於二零零零年四月一日起實施。新的 薪酬結構將有助大學維持人力資源管理的成本效益。 根據《強制性公積金條例》,強制性公積金(強積金)計劃 將於二零零零年十二月一日起實施。校方為此積極籌謀, 並成立強積金專責小組,研究大學現有公積金計劃與強積金 計劃的銜接安排,另就設立大學強積金計劃提出建議。校方 曾舉行多次簡布會,並於二零零零年七月完成有關籌劃工 作,又參考專業顧問的意見 ,為僱員選定提供強積金服務的 公司。大學現有的公積金計劃亦已根據《強積金條例》獲得 豁免。 一九九九年十一月,校方推行具保險性質的僱員醫療福利 計劃,以更有效控制有關支出,新計劃的條款亦更符合防止 歧視條例的規定。由二零零零年七月起,不論僱員職位的撥 款來源,校方都會為所有僱員提供相若的醫療福利。 校方又決定在敘聘事宜方面讓自負盈衝的部門享有更大彈 性,以達致更有效的人事管理與成本控制的目的,並方便將 薪酬與表現掛鉤。 為了提高大學員工的整體表現和維護公平公正原則,校方今 年全面檢討了僱員考績制度,以及有關員工從事校外專業 顧問服務、工商界顧問服務及校外商業活動的規則。所有需 紀律調查的個案更獲慎重處理。 the relevant staff grades and adjusted the starting salaries of other staff grades wh i ch do not have direct counterparts i n the civil service, so that internal relativity and parity could be maintained. The new salary structure t o ok effect on 1st A p r i l 2000, the same implementation day as adopted by the civil service. The restructuring of salary scales helped maintain cost effectiveness in the University's human resource management. The Mandatory Provident F u nd Schemes (MPFS) system, instituted under the MPFS Ordinance, w i l l become effective f r om 1st December 2000. To prepare for the implemention of this new legislative requirement, a steering committee was set up at the University to study the interface between the MPFS and the existing retirement schemes, and to make recommendation for the establishment of an MPF Scheme for the University. A series of briefing sessions and forums were held for staff members before interface arrangements were finalized i n July 2000. W i t h the professional input of consultants, the University also identified a suitable MPFS service provider, and obtained exemption status for its existing retirement schemes under the MPFS Ordinance. I n November 1999, a revised medical benefits scheme w i t h an insurance element was introduced to facilitate greater control over expenditure on staff medical benefits and to make it fully compatible w i t h the new anti-discrimination ordinances. The University also resolved to offer, f r om July 2000, similar benefits to all eligible appointees, irrespective of the sources of funding for their posts. The University also agreed to allow greater flexibility in personnel matters for self- financing units i n the University. The objective is to increase effectiveness i n personnel and cost management to encourage performance-based remuneration for staff. D u r i ng the same year, the University also reviewed its staff appraisal exercise and its regulations governing outside practice/business consulting/outside business activity to ensure their effectiveness. Much, care and attention was paid to the monitoring of staff performance and the handling of disciplinary cases to achieve quality service and to ensure fairness.