Annual Report 1999–2000

教學輔助設施 77 ACADEMI C SUPPOR TFACILITIE S 圖書館服務 大學圖書館系統採用最新的資訊科技,安然過渡公元二千年, 沒受「公元數位」問題的困擾,年中更改善了服務素質及 擴大了服務範圍,並加強了與海內外圖書館的聯繫。 二十一世紀中文圖書館學術會議 圖書館與新亞書院在一九九九年十一月四至五日合辦了一個 大型國際會議,集合一百五十多名來自美國、新加坡和兩岸三 地的圖書館員,就資源共享、圖書館自動化、善本書、科技 對圖書館服務的影響及職員培訓等課題交換意見,其後更成立 全球中文圖書館共建共享合作計劃,並於二零零零年六月在北 京開會,倡議八項計劃,其中包括中文名稱規範數據庫,中 文善本書目數據庫及中文「元數據」格式等。 Library Services The University Library System continued to keep abreast of the latest developments i n information technology. It rode out the Y 2 K crisis and exploited new technologies to improve and extend library services. Various efforts were also made during the year to strength relations w i t h local and overseas libraries. Conference on Chinese Libraries in the 21st Century The conference was held on 4th and 5th November 1999 in conjunction w i t h N e w Asia College. Over 150 librarians f r om the USA, Singapore, mainland China, Taiwan, and H o n g K o ng gathered to exchange views on resource sharing, library automation, rare books, the impact of technologies on library services, and staff training. The participants also agreed to launch cooperative projects to build and share resources among Chinese libraries worldwide. In a subsequent conference held in Beijing in June 2000, eight such projects were proposed, including Chinese Name A u t h o r i ty Database, Chinese rare books database, and Chinese Metadata format. Electronic Resources and Services B y the end of 1999-2000 the University Library System had acquired over 2,000 new, full-text electronic journals and electronic resources, including O x f o rd University Press Online Journals, O x f o rd English Dictionary Online, Cochrane Library Online, Global Development Finance, and additional backfile years for Web of Science. Library staff and vendors also wo r k ed together to establish t h i rd party agreements to allow library users to search many databases, to l i nk to the library web catalogue, and t o go directly to full-text articles. The library catalogue and holdings were linked to notable databases such as ProQuest, JSTOR, and O V I D . D u r i ng the same year, t wo in-house databases, H K I n C h ip an d H K Literature Online, were created. Another new feature was the launch of Electronic Reserve, a system wh i ch offers 24-hour access to the library's high-use print reserve course materials via the library catalogue. A total of 955 files were processed and mounted to