Annual Report 2001–02

社會科學院要發展 Major Events in the faculty of Social Science 口建築學系今年慶祝成立十周年,舉行一系列紀念活動,包 括在金鐘太古廣場舉行的建築碩士課程畢業生作品展,校 友講座,以及「建築敎育:地域性及全球性」硏討會。硏 討會由五位來自不同國家的著名建築師主持。 口 一九九六年諾貝爾經濟學獎得獎人莫里斯敎授,應經濟學 系及工商管理學院的邀請,於二零零一年十一月二十三日 主持公開講座,探討「面對不完全理性消費者的經濟政 策」。 口 地 理 與 資 源 管 理 學 系 的 「 環 境 政 策 與 資 源 管 理 硏 究中 心」,今年舉辦了多個有關環境及資源問題的專題講座及 論壇,課題涵蓋香港濕地保育及發展、基因食物、食水、 廢物回收再造業和生態復育等。 口心理學系慶祝成立二十周年,於二零零二年舉辦了一連串 活動,包括五個以一般市民為對象的公開講座,以及「華 人社會的心理學發展」硏討會。 口社會學系於二零零一年十二月一日舉辦香港社會學學會第 三屆周年大會,主題為「華人社會的發展與挑戰」,由世 界知名的史丹福大學社會學講座敎授 P r o f . John W. Meyer 出任嘉賓講者。 口 The Department of Architecture celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2001-2 by organizing a series of events. They included a graduation show of the M.Arch. Programme held at Pacific Place in Admiralty, alumni talks, and a symposium entitled 'School: Local- Universal', featuring talks given by five renowned architects from different parts of the world. 口 The Department of Economics and the Faculty of Business Administration jointly invited Prof. James Mirrlees, Nobel laureate in economics 1996, to deliver a lecture on 'Economic Policy with Imperfect Consumers' on 23rd November 2001. • The Centre for Environmental Policy and Resource Management of the Department of Geography and Resource Management organized a series of workshops and forums on a number of critical environmental and resource issues, including Ho ng Kong wetland, genetically-modified food, drinking water, waste recycling industry, and ecological restoration in Ho ng Kong. • To celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2002, the Department of Psychology organized a series of functions including five public lectures on various interesting topics for the general public and a symposium entitled 'The Development of Psychology in Chinese Societies'. • On 1st December 2001, the Department of Sociology organized the Third Annual Meeting of the Ho n g Kong Sociological Association, with ‘Chinese Society and the Challenge of Development' as its theme. Prof. John W. Meyer, a renowned sociologist from Stanford University, was the keynote speaker. 學術發展 a c a d e m i c d e v e l o p m e n t 34