Annual Report 2001–02

左圖:西漢早期 帛書《出行占》 右上圖:西漢早期「君幸酒」漆耳杯 右下圖:原濟 〔1642-1707) 花果圖冊 Left: Writing on silk, early Western Han Upper right: Painted lacquer eared cup, early Western Han Lower right: Album of Flowers and Fruits, Monk Yuanji (1642-1707) 文物館及其館友會合辦 硏討會,誌慶該館成立 三十周年,與會者包括創館 館長屈志仁先生。 Mr. James C.Y. Watt, founding director of the Art Museum, attending the seminar on 'The Building of a Museum: The Collection and History of the Art Museum, CUHK' Provincial Museum, and 'Chinese Epigraphy: Inscribed Relics of Pre-Yuan Era', with the Hunan Provincial Museum. Apart from featuring the choicest selections from the three museums, catalogues were published and public talks were held to complement the exhibitions. Furthermore, the 'Flower and Bird Painting of the Ming and Qing Periods' exhibition was mounted at the Guangdong Provincial Museum while the 'Chinese Epigraphy: Inscribed Relics of Pre-Yuan Era' exhibition will be staged at the Hunan Provincial Museum in 2003. The events greatly enhanced cultural exchange between the mainland and Hong Kong and kindled much academic and public interest in Chinese art. The event of the year was the mounting of the exhibition 'Three Decades of Acquisition' and the publication of an accompanying commemorative catalogue, representing the essence of the Art Museum collection that included generous donations from its benefactors and donors over the years. Besides, a seminar 'The Building of a Museum: The Collection and History of the Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong' was co-organized with the Friends of the Art Museum, who also held a fund-raising gala dinner to celebrate their 20th anniversary. The Friends have been a staunch supporter of the Art Museum throughout the years. On another front, The Chinese University Press published 18 academic titles, 22 general titles and seven issues of scholarly journals during 2001-2. It also published 11 revised/reprint titles in both categories. All these represented significant contributions of knowledge to the community at large. Provision of Continuing Education 2001-2 was a very busy year for the School of Continuing Studies. Over 36,000 students enrolled in more than 2,900 courses offered, including many new award-bearing programmes. New award-bearing programmes introduced in 2001-2 include: • Master Degree Programme in Library and Information Science 服務香港 放眼世界 s e r v i c e t o h o n g k o n g a n d t h e w o r l d 52