Annual Report 2001–02

建立特藏 圖書館今年建立了四個特藏,特色如下: 香港研究資料 香港硏究資料以原藏於胡忠圖書館的香港特藏 為本,收集書刊近二萬六千冊,於二零零一年 九月開放給讀者使用,以支援跨學科及跨文化 的香港硏究。 就業資源特藏 這是本地大學圖書館中首個以就業資源為主題 的特藏,包括從學生事務處接收的逾千種各地 硏究院目錄及八十個僱主的資料,以及該館積 極搜購的書籍,課題涵蓋職業計劃、職業抉 擇、求職策略、撰寫履歷及求職信須知、面試 技巧、商業禮儀、硏究院及專業學院入學試應 考指引等。 海外華人特藏 這特藏成立於二零零二年,是建基於中大海外 華人硏究中心的海外華人檔案,共有藏書一萬 四千冊,大部分與移居東南亞的華人有關,課 題涵蓋商業經濟、社會文化、政治參與及族群 認同等。 自建的新資料庫 中國現代戲劇資料庫( h t t p : / / m c d r a m a . l i b. c u h k . e d u . h k ) 是中國現代戲劇特藏的網上資 料庫,網羅七個類別共三千五百種資料。 《走馬樓三國吳簡》資料庫( http://rhorse.lib. c u h k . e d u . h k ) 由大學圖書館系統與張光裕敎 授和黎明釗敎授合力製作。 them cope with the challenges posed by the development of print and online collections in their subject areas. Twenty-nine of the library's professional librarians were grouped into faculty liaison teams to help teaching and research staff search subject information from various resources such as the online public catalogue and subscribed electronic databases. New Collections Four new special collections were set up during the year: H o n g Kong Studie s Hong Kong Studies started with materials transferred from the Hong Kong Collection located at the Wu Chung Library. The new Hong Kong Studies collection was opened to users in September 2001. The collection contains 25,872 volumes and is intended to support interdisciplinary and cross- cultural studies of Hong Kong. 新設的資料庫 New databases developed: Modern Chinese Drama (left) and Zoumalou San Guo Wu Jian (right) a c a d e m i c s u p p o r t f a c i l i t i e s 教學輔助設施 71