Annual Report 2002–03

「今年是中大四十校慶,而擺在我們 面前的有許多要做的事,我們應一如 既往,認認真真,一樣一樣地去做好。 我們風雨同路,一無畏懼,一無顧瞻, 只要同心協力,定能走出一個朗朗晴日!」 校長致大學全體員生公開信 二零零三年三月廿六日 greater community support for our development projects. We shall try our utmost to tap new sources of income from the private sector and make full use of the opportunities made available since 1st July 2003 to seek matching grants from the UGC for the donations we raise. This scheme has been launched by the UGC to help nurture a fund-raising culture in local universities, and we have received an earmarked grant to set up a new office to provide the necessary backup for our fund- raising activities. On the other hand, we have started to explore different strategies for managing budgetary shortfalls while sustaining the University's overall competitiveness. Cost-saving options will be devised and internal consultation will be conducted before any comprehensive plan is formalized. In all these efforts we rely on the understanding and support of our staff and students. Concluding Remarks So the year 2002-3 ends with yet another challenge, probably the greatest challenge as the University proceeds to realize its vision for the next 10 years. But experience over the past year has shown us how hurdles can be overcome and adversity can be turned into opportunities to strengthen ourselves. I have never doubted that the University will come through as it has come through, and I look forward to our 40th anniversary celebrations later this year when we can demonstrate our solidarity and our determination to advance and excel in the face of adversity. Ambrose Y.C. King Vice-Chancellor 31st July 2003 之需。但如要面對長期的資源縮減,我們就必須 以更周詳的計劃,去應付可能出現的最壞情況。 我們已全力加強向外募捐的力度,尋求社會各界 更大的支持,又會盡量利用敎資會剛推出的等額 補助金計劃,使籌得的私人捐款加倍增長。這個 新計劃的原意,正是鼓勵院校建立籌款文化,開 拓更多非政府的資助來源;我們已收到敎資會撥 出的專款,以增聘人手,為籌款活動提供後勤服 務。 另一方面,我們也開始構思各種策略,以備大學 在經費縮減的情況下有效運作,並維持大學的競 爭力。在確定和落實任何節省資源的方略之前, 我們會作廣泛的校內諮詢,尋求全校師生的理 解、諒解和支持。 結語 二零零二至二零零三年度瞬即結束,隨之而來 的,是更嚴峻的挑戰,關乎中大能否於未來十年 實現其訂下的願景。然而過去一年的經驗,使我 們更有信心化挑戰為動力,去壯大自己,克服前 路的險阻,向目標進發。我們期待二零零三年下 半年的校慶活動,可為中大凝聚更大的向心力, 並堅定我們騰飛精進的決心。 校 長 金 耀 基 二零零三年七月卅一日 校長報告 Vice-Chancellor's Review 13