Annual Report 2002–03

(1) 設於北大臨湖軒的中大駐北京 聯絡處 The C U H K Beijing Liaison Office at Linhu Xuan, Peking University (2) 國家敎育部章新勝副部長(左) 於二零零三年一月二 十 日訪問 本校,與金耀基校長(右)會面。 Mr. Zhang Xinsheng (left), Vice- Minister of the Ministry of Education, visiting C U H K on 20th January 2003 and meeting with Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ambrose King (right) 爾德大學及加拿大卡加里大學的校長,為進一步 加強敎硏合作及交換生計劃奠下基礎。 與兩岸學府交流 中大與內地學府的交流進展良好,合作項目包括 學術會議和硏究,例如與中國電子科技大學和深 圳電子信息科學硏究院聯手開發最新的太赫茲科 技,又與清華大學深圳硏究生院聯合在深圳市舉 行高級管理人員物流和供應鏈管理碩士課程。此 外,本校心理學系與北京大學合辦心理諮詢與治 療文學碩士課程,課程在北大開設,由兩校敎授 共同講授,畢業生將由本校授予文學碩士學位。 宗敎系亦與北大商討成立聯合硏究中心,探究中 國十三所基督敎大學的歷史。本校設於北京大學 的聯絡處,已由南閣遷至臨湖軒,並按照學術發 展的需要,重整服務。 很多有關與內地學府交換生計劃的細節於今年落 實,校方更著手挑選學生到內地七所頂尖學府交 流,是學術交流發展的重要里程碑。 中大又積極與台灣院校建立聯繫網絡,與台灣大 學、台灣中山大學、台灣中央硏究院及台灣交通 大學簽訂學術交流協議,另與台灣大學圖書館合 作開展 A r i e l 網上文獻傳遞計劃。今年共有九十四 個來自海峽兩岸的學術代表團來訪。 Shenzhen. The University and the Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen offered a joint EMSc programme in Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Peking University and the University's Department of Psychology entered into agreement to offer a joint MA Programme in Psychological Counselling and Therapy. The programme is taught at Peking University by teachers of both institutions and students are conferred their MAs by CUHK. The Department of Religion also started negotiations with Peking University to set up a joint centre for research studies in the history of 13 Christian universities in China. The University's Beijing Liaison Office was moved from Nan Ge to Linhu Xuan inside Peking University. Its services will be integrated in response to the latest development of academic links. Success in negotiating systematic undergraduate student exchange arrangements with universities on the mainland marked a very significant milestone in the development of exchanges. Recruitment of students for exchanges with seven top mainland universities started during the year. Across the Taiwan Strait, further collaboration was forged with the Academia Sinica, Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan Chiao Tung University, and Taiwan University. The libraries of CUHK and Taiwan University entered into agreement to offer the high-speed interlibrary Ariel document delivery system over the Internet. Ninety-four delegations of institutions from the mainland and Taiwan were received by the University in the year. 2 8 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2002-2003