Annual Report 2002–03

傑出研究計劃 Outstanding R e s e a r c h P r o j e c t Faculty of A r ts 文學院 清代音樂史料研究計劃 中國自先秦以來積累了豐富的音樂歷史文獻資 料,但大多散見於正史樂志以外,要認識和研究 中國古代音樂及歷史,須挖掘和整理有關的音樂 史料。 清代的音樂文獻最豐富,加上滿清政權認同儒家 的禮樂與政治觀念,官方和民間都為音樂史料做 了一些整理及總結,但由於各種歷史及政治原 因,它們多不為人所知。這個由余少華敎授領導 的計劃,目的是為清代音樂及其史料下註評,而 非一般的資料匯編,主要工作包括對康熙和乾隆 欽定編纂的《律呂正義》和《律呂正義後編》,以 及五朝《大清會典》和清代的《通典》、《通志》、 《通考》、《續文獻通考》等重要史籍及其他清人 筆記中有關音樂的資料進行註譯和評介,以協助 音樂和歷史學者等從清代各類古籍和歷史文獻中 尋找相關的音樂史料。 Chinese Musical Sources Research Project This project, led by Prof. Yu Siu Wah, makes the rich musical sources of China accessible to historians, musicians, and researchers of related fields. It focuses on the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), the richest and the most important period in terms of musical sources. Unlike in previous dynasties, large amounts of anthologies, music, and music-related data were published by the government or private publishers during the Manchu regime. Unfortunately, these musical sources were not known to the general public due to historical, social, and political reasons. The aim of the project is to assemble all the music and music related data of the Qing dynasty, classify and systematize them, and eventually publish an annotated bibliography and a list of source readings. 研究 Research 5 3