Annual Report 2002–03

(1) 第一屆副學士學位課程開學禮 The first opening ceremony of SCS's sub-degree programmes (2) 副學士課程學生上課 A presentation by SCS sub-degree students in class •企業傳訊高級文憑課程 •公共關係及傳訊管理文憑課程 二零零三年二月,大學與東華三院正式簽訂合作 協議,興辦「香港中文大學一東華三院社區書 院」,提供副學士學位課程,由東華三院負責籌 建校舍,而中大則透過大學擴展敎育課程局負責 課程設計、素質保證、課程評審及資歷頒授。 繼去年首次推出商業學及電腦學副學士學位課程 後,校外進修學院亦將於二零零三年秋增辦四項 副學士學位課程(款待服務及旅遊業管理、物流 管理、康樂及休閒事務、神學)及三項高級文憑 課程(應用翻譯、工商管理、物業及設施綜合管 理),這些課程均專為中五及中七畢業生而設 計,為他們打好基礎,以備升讀學位課程,同時 授予相關行業所需的技能。 University Extension Board, oversee programme design, quality assurance, accreditation and the conferment of qualifications. Subsequent to the launch of the Associate Degree Programmes in Business and Computing and the Higher Diploma Programme in Corporate Communication in 2002, the SCS planned to introduce a number of new sub-degree programmes in the fall of 2003, including Associate Degree Programmes in Hospitality and Tourism Management, Logistics Management, Recreation and Leisure Studies, and Theology, and Higher Diploma Programmes in Applied Translation Studies, Business Studies, and Integrated Estates and Facilities Management. All such programmes would provide Secondary 5 and Secondary 7 students with a sound foundation for further studies and equip them with the necessary skills for developing a career in specific areas. In Support of Business and Industry To help managers in the business community adapt to the rapidly changing knowledge economy, training programmes and research/ consultancy services were provided through the University's Asia-Pacific Institute of Business (APIB). During 2002-3, several executive training programmes were organized in conjunction with major universities in the US. In-company training workshops and seminars for local and mainland companies were also conducted. A total of seven public diploma programmes and one certificate programme on business communication were offered. A series of certification programmes in accounting, financial planning, management and marketing were organized for several major corporations in Hong Kong. 66 香 港 中 文 大 學 年報 CUHK Annual Report 2002-2003