Annual Report 2002–03

二零零二至二零零三年度新生入學人數 Student Admission 2002-2003 全日制課程 Full-time Programme 兼讀制課程 Part-time Programme 總人數 Total 本科生* Undergraduates* 2,909 19 2,928 (2,879) 硏究生* * Postgraduates** 文憑課程 Diploma programmes 363 645 1,008 碩 士 課程 Master's programmes 638 1,556 2,194 博 士 課程 Doctoral programmes 177 1,178 27 2,228 204 3,406 (3,115) 總人數 Total 4,087 2,247 6,334 (5,994) * 以二零零二年九月三十日之紀錄計算,包括一百零八名透過「優先錄取計劃」入學的本科生。 Figures as at 30th September 2002, including 108 students admitted through the Early Admissions Scheme **於二零零二至二零零三年度錄取之學生,包括一千五百二十九名在大學敎育資助委員會核定學額以外錄取者。 Number of students admitted during 2002-3, including 1,529 students admitted outside U GC quota ( )内為二零零一至二零零二年度學生人數 Indicating 2001-2 figures 學 生 及 校友 Students and Alumni 75