Annual Report 2002–03

探討大學整合專責小組諮詢大學敎職員意見 (二零零三年二月 十七 日) A consultation session on institutional integration held on 17th February 2003 for staff members of the University 到了學年終結之時,很多有關敎資會撥款的事 宜,仍懸而未決,但中大必須做好準備,以因應 未來的困難和挑戰,秉持「精進日新」的信念,邁 進第五個十年。 大學管理 過去一年,中大得以克服重重困阻,險中求進, 實賴全校上下的精誠合作和管理隊伍的堅忍不 拔,我感謝大學校董會對我的信任之餘,更要感 謝校內同人的鼎力支持和辛勤不懈。 除了校長一職由我接任,大學管理層也有其他變 動,包括黃乃正敎授獲委出任新亞書院院長,以 接替梁秉中敎授;梁敎授已連續三屆擔任此職, 任期於二零零二年七月屆滿。馮國培敎授則接替 於八月榮休的黃釣堯敎授,出任聯合書院院長。 此外,兩所學院也選出了新院長,分別是李天生 敎授獲選出任工商管理學院院長,梁怡敎授獲選 出任社會科學院院長。 而隨著鄭振耀敎授於二零零二年十月獲委任為副 校長,大學三位副校長的職責範圍亦經重新整 合。在新的管理架構下,楊綱凱副校長主要統理 各學院、硏究院和通識敎育課程的學術發展事 宜,兼理硏究活動、人事政策和資訊科技服務。 廖柏偉副校長主理與財務及行政有關的事宜,包 Wong was appointed head of New Asia College to succeed Prof. P.C. Leung, who completed his third term as college head in July 2002. Prof. Fung Kwok-pui assumed office as head of United College in August the same year upon the retirement of Prof. Wong Kwan-yiu. Two faculties also elected new deans. Prof. Lee Tien-sheng became dean of the Faculty of Business Administration on 1st August 2002, and Prof. Leung Yee became dean of the Faculty of Social Science on the same day. The University's management structure was also revamped following the appointment of Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng as pro-vice-chancellor in October 2002. The portfolios of all three pro-vice-chancellors were reshuffled. Prof. Kenneth Young is now mainly in charge of academic matters related to the faculties, the Graduate School and the General Education Programme; he also oversees the University's research function, personnel policies, and the development of information technology services. Prof. Pak-wai Liu chiefly oversees financial and administration matters, including the library system, the School of Continuing Studies, campus development and estates management, and alumni affairs. Prof. Jack Cheng has been given the duty of overseeing academic linkage activities, safety matters, and the Chinese Language Centre, while continuing to be the University Dean of Students. Old and new members in senior management pooled their efforts and acumen to deal with each and every major event as they came along, drawing full support from other administrative and academic units across the University, turning adversity into opportunity, demonstrating superb camaraderie and professionalism. The year might not be one of the luckiest for us, but I have never felt so proud to be a member of the University. 4 香 港 中 文 大 學 年報 CUHK Annual Report 2002-2003