Annual Report 2003–04

part of the department's informal education initiative to enhance the competitiveness and marketability of its major students. Fourteen mentors were recruited to pair u p with 34 students and 11 students were placed as interns to six institutions. A key feature of the project was the heavy involvement of the department's Student Society in its planning and implementation. • The Department o f Psychology organized an 'International Conference on Neuropsychology: Recent Advances in th e East and West' from 9th to 12th December 2003. Aime d at providing a forum for professional and scholars in Asian and Western countries to exchange ideas on neuropsychology, the conference is composed of workshops by world-renowned neuroscientists, as well as presentations and discussions about unique research conducted i n China. • With the sponsorship of the Quality Education Fund, over 1,400 students and 200 teachers attended lectures , seminars, and workshops of the Department of Sociology's outreac h programme to support the teaching and learning of Liberal Studie s at the secondary level. In anticipation of the rapid changes tha t education reform will bring, the department assisted the formation of the Hong Kong Liberal Studies Teachers' Association in June 2004. 中包括導師計劃和實習計劃。前者獲十四名導師參與,帶 領三十四名學生;後者則有十一名學生到六所機構實習。 學生系會無論在此計劃的籌備或開展過程中,均積極參 與。 •心理學系於二零零三年十二月九至十二日舉辦「腦與行為 科研在東西方之進程」研討會,以促進中西學者和專家的 學術研究與交流。世界著名腦神經科學家應邀就腦功能心 理學的最新研究狀況和發展作專題演講,並探討獨具中國 特色的腦功能研究。 •社會學系獲優質敎育基金贊助中學通識敎育科目敎學的外 展計劃,使一千四百多名中學生及二百多人次中學敎師得 以參加有關的演講、研討會及工作坊。該系又積極推動通 識敎育敎師的專業發展,並協助成立通識敎育敎師聯會。 Opening ceremony of the Hong Kon g Liberal Studies Teachers' Association 學術發展 Academic Development 39