Annual Report 2003–04

Technologies Centre (MobiTeC) which helps to advance mobile technology by conducting high-end R&D; and the setting up of the Yuen Yuen Research Centre for Satellite Remote Sensing under the Joint Laboratory for Geoinformation Science, the first high-resolution group receiving station for remote sensing satellites in Southern China. Research Funding The University's research infrastructure is funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) while the majority of research projects are supported by the Research Grants Council (RGC). For the year 2003-4, about HK$131 million was allocated by the RGC to the University for conducting research, of which HK$112 million was in the 息科學聯合實驗室亦獲資助建立圓玄衛星遙感硏 究中心,作為華南首個高解像度遙感衛星地面接 收站。 中大獲硏究資助局撥款金額一九八八至二零零四年 Research Funding from the Research Grants Council 1988-2004 研究 Research 41