Annual Report 2003–04

傑出硏究計劃 O u t s t a n d i n g R e s e a r c h P r o j e c t 工程學院 F a c u l t y o f Engineering Coding 網路編碼已成為近年不少學術會議的專 題。這個新興的網路編碼研究領域, 是由中大兩篇載於 IEEE Transactions on Information Theor 上 的論文所觸發。網路編 碼無論在理論基礎或工業應用上,已成為 編碼、通信、資訊理論、網路、操作研 究、隨機過程、交換等成熟領域之間的橋 樑。兩編論文的主要貢獻者是訊息工程學 系的李碩彥敎授和楊偉豪敎授。迄今已有 超過五十篇相關領域的論文問世。這些文 章大都摘用李、楊論文的插圖,而該圖亦 已成為網路編碼領域的標誌。 The research field of network coding was initiated by the two papers in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory w h o se main contributors are Prof. S.Y. Robert Li and Prof. Raymond W.H. Yeung of the Department of Information Engineering. This new field serves as a bridge to the well established areas of coding, communications, information theory, networking, operation research, stochastic processes and switching, in terms of theoretic foundation and engineering application. The field of network coding is now extremely active with over 50 papers published to date. Most cite the following figure from the two original papers, making it virtually an icon of this new field. Quite a few international conferences have and will hold sessions on network coding, including: • 2003 Allerton Conference, University of Illinois • 2004 Communication Theory Workshop, Capri, Italy • 2004 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton University • 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Chicago • 2nd International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS 2004) • 2004 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton University • 2006 ISIT, an annual major conference in information theory 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2003-2004 50 網路編碼