Annual Report 2003–04

校園建設與環境保護 Campus Development and Environmental Protection 二零零四年四月,敎資會公布了各院校最新的校 舍空間需求及使用情況,中文大學的校舍需求由 一九九九年的十六萬三千多平方米增加至二零 零 四年的十七萬八千多平方米。工程學大樓第二 期、醫學院新的臨床醫學大樓、綜合科學實驗室 專門大樓和校園西陲的綜合敎學大樓全部竣工 後,中大空間不足的情況可望舒緩。 敎資會近年鼓勵各院校更深入合作。為此, 學 與各院校的校園發展及物業管理部門加強聯繫, 就共同關心的事項如定立基準、大量採購等進行 定期會議。校園發展處亦與政府的建築署和屋宇 署保持緊密聯繫,以便該兩署更了解本校各項工 程。 基建工程 大學今年獲敎資會支持進行三個共值四億二千五 百萬港元的基建項目,其中位於校園西陲的綜合 敎學大樓已獲政府撥款興建。另外兩個獲敎資會 支持的項目分別是: ( i ) 為三十二幅不合標準的斜坡進行的第十三期 斜坡鞏固工程; In April 2004, the UGC released the latest space entitlement and accommodation position. The Chinese University's spatial entitlement ha s been increased from 163,459 square metres in 1999 to 178,652 square metres in 2004. The implementation of four capital projects at different stages, viz. Engineering Building Phase 2, Extension Facilities for the Clinical Departments at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Centralized Science Laboratories Building and Teaching Complex at western campus would help to ease the spatial shortfall. In response to UGC's appeal for closer collaboration within the higher education sector, the University liaised and coordinated with the campus and estates directors of the UGC universities on issues of common interest such as benchmarking and bulk purchases. Meanwhile, it also liaised closely with the Government's Architectural Services Department and Buildings Department to facilitate their understanding of the University's projects. Major Capital Programmes The University received UGC's support of three capital projects totalling HK$425 million in 2003-4. The 'Teaching Complex at Western Campus' proposal has been selected for the Government's funding allocation. Two out of three projects submitted to UGC for full approval in the context of the 2005-6 Capital Programme received support: 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2003-2004 84