Annual Report 2004–05

經濟研究所 Institute of Economics 馮嘉耀 Fung Ka-yiu, Michael [所長(商業經濟) Co-Director (Business Economics)] 宋恩榮 Sung Yun-wing [所長(經濟) Co-Director (Economics)] (自二零零五年四月一日起) (from 1st A p r il 2005) 人類傳意科學研究所 Institute of Human Communicative Research Charles An d r ew van Hasselt 數學科學研究所 The Institute of Mathematical Sciences 丘成桐 Yau Shing-tung 光科技研究所 Institute of Optical Science and Technology 林清隆 Ch i n l on L i n 理工研究所 Institute of Science and Technology 吳奇 W u Chi 太空與地球信息科學研究所 Institute of Space and Earth Information Science 林琿 L i n H u i (自二零零五年七月一日起) (from 1st July 2005) 人文學科研究所 Research Institute for the Humanities 王宏志 Lawrence Wang-chi Wong 信興高等工程研究所 Shun Hing Institute of Advanced Engineering 程伯中 Ch i ng Pak-chung 大 學 領 導 層 University L e a d e r s h ip 1 7